Battle Ship Game of Existence

Chaos progressed her range into infinite possibilities with envisioning the inner workings at the peak of the dome within the echo sphere where celebrities and famous gather to be ultimately…

Chaos Mourns for Bat Boy

We long for the days of the Weekly World to return Bat Boy to this great land who will at last restore harmony and peace, rid the world of nuclear…

Promise Paroxysms

Promise Paroxysms Meet Our Shadow Box Chaos insists upon allowing the shadows of others to make comments in this travesty of a web site, and against our better judgment, we…

Ready Set Grow

Alderfer's “A Theory of Human Motivation” Through life, we collect volumes of assumptions and stereotypes learned through education and personal experience. You name it, assumptions are everywhere around us, in…

Just Like Mother Used To Puke

 ABC = DOG? Ever wonder if domesticated dogs perceive the offering of canned or chunked dog food as ABC foods (already been chewed) just as ancient wolf mothers regurgitated into…
How to Write a 3-Part Speech

How to Write a 3-Part Speech

How to Write a 3-Part Speech Rule of Three for Motivational Speeches. During a week of procrastination and heading towards a hard deadline for delivering a speech at my club,…

Our Impulsive Thoughts

03-24-2022 I have reached Valhala or some shit this very night. 666 followers on Twitter. Now what? Wait? for...? Suggestions? 03-26-2022 President Brandon's Ukraine BS speech is best listened to…
Two Truths and One Lie

Two Truths and One Lie

How advertising colors our thoughts and perceptions Facts About Alzheimer's Advertisements Pharmaceutical advertisements target emotions to instill worry, anxiety, fear, dread into their audience. The intent is to convince anyone…