Chaos Playground We let them out to play or there's Chaos to pay

Where Communication Meets Condition

Where Communication Meets Condition: As we settle into the comfy chair and turn on the heat and vibrating mode to sooth these aging bones we realize we had neglected to bring along a drinking glass for the vino cabernet sauvignon. We ask the Other “We forgot the glass, would you bring us one?” The Other responds “I...

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We Are Not Hostages of Our Past

Introducing Me, MySelf & I. Subject to Change, Growth & Self-Preservation. This might appear repetitive but bear with us… We are capable, confident and strong. We Are Not Hostages to Our Past. The key to knowing others is getting to know ourselves. In order to understand ourselves, we must communicate freely and often. Communication includes asking yourself...

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What’s the Deal with Relationships?

Each person brings a unique experience, knowledge and intelligence into a relationship. How we behave with each other can be influenced by oversimplified stereotypes based upon prior experiences. Stereotypes can be true, based on fact or completely false and baseless. What Do We Know About Relationships? What’s the Deal with Relationships? Why do some relationships pass? Why...

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Personality – What is a Personality?

per·son·al·i·ty (/?p?rs?’nal?de/) noun: personality plural noun: personalities: 1. the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s distinctive character. What is Personality? What combinations of emotions, reactions and behaviors coalesce to determine our individual personality traits? Is a personality static or an ever-changing face we present to others? Is there such a thing as “a” personality?...

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Personality Quirks – Table Topics Questions

Personality Quirks Everyone has peculiar personality quirks because we have unique DNA, experiences, education skills, opportunities and abilities. In order to maintain society people don’t think “alike” we think “around” with a filtered nuance that forms a basic community personality. It’s a wonder we get along at all. It’s the nuances that violate the somewhat agreed upon...

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Mother’s Day

We have children. We are a Mother…not a chest feeder, not a birth person…a Mother of three beautiful shadows. We hear over-thinkers in charge of population control intend to alter the meaning of this moniker in American/English language lexicon in favor of a less specific, more general, generic human function such as “birthing person.” We understand this...

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Joke: Mr. Magnificence Master Prestidigitator

A luxury cruise ship was traveling through icy, cold Northern waters when suddenly the rudder stopped and the ship lost all steering. The captain realized they were in direct trajectory of a huge iceberg about half-a-mile ahead and the ship was in trouble. He ordered the Exec Officer to get tonight’s Magic act on stage in the...

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Joke: Cursed is the Leader…

In the great desert lived a tribe of nomads. These nomads believed that a man’s strength and courage came from his beard. Bennie, tribal leader wore a magnificent beard and enjoyed his command over his people for many years. However, after so many years of leading the the tribe in the hot and dusty desert land, Bennie...

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Joke: And Speaking of Jokes for Meetings…

Some of the jokes in this web site we have found on the Internet and re-wrote to suit our taste. Others are jokes and funny stories we have written ourselves.  More jokes to come… When Re-Writing a Joke: Make it personal. “This is a true story, this actually happened,” are great openings for a good-old-fashioned fish tale....

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Halloween Humor

Hocus-Pocus Jokus Halloween Jokes What could be more fun on Halloween night than to tell funny, punny jokes to torment all those terrified strangers and neighbors who give out candy and treats to visiting witches, warlocks and werewolves. Ok, I can think of at least several things, but these are good, clean and harmless jokes any kid...

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