Theory Of Pat

Contentment, Should We?

There is a tale of a king who suffered from a painful ailment. His counselors advised him of the only cure—to find a contented man, get his shirt, and wear it night and day. So, the king sent messengers to find such a man, with orders to bring back his shirt. After months of searching the kingdom,...

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Visitation from God, or Wrath of Queen Martyr

Our memory holds a several months old recollection of enjoyment over a genuinely, cleverly made “who-Done-It” noir-style  odd-ball comedy, murder mystery with a cast of neurotic actors acting like neurotic actors.  Are there any other kind?  We are of the generation of the end of black and white Humphrey Bogart, James Cagney gangster shows and beginnings of color.  The...

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Theory of Our Ancestry

Granny Elizabeth

As we peruse through the footprints left by our anestors we begin to understand why we are how we are, more or less. It seems we are fortunate that our ancestors kept written records of births, deaths and marriages among other things useful to analysts seeking data. We also seem to have been well educated, well connected...

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Imaginary Enemies

Imaginary Enemies Go back through history of talk shows from when television began, talk shows like Johnny Carson, Comedy Roasts, sitcoms . Study it for yourself, it’s all out there. Some of it justified, sure but regardless a steady drumbeat against individual initiative, private property ownership, self employment, small businesses, freedom of conscience, freedom of speech, autonomy...

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2D Thinking vs 3D Thinking

Fast Thinking vs Slow Thinking Ever listen to a fast talking person and wish they’d just take a freaking breath long enough for you to process what they said before they go charging into their next subject? We find fast talkers exhausting to listen to and find our mind wandering within seconds.  Do fast talkers realize their...

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Me, Myself and I

The Theory of Pat is a gradual process which will expand as we work out that which vexes us most.  The mysteries of our past, present and future. Theory of Pat is where Me, Myself and I become We, Ourselves and Us. This is an attempt to address the neverending war Between Control and Chaos, to learn...

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Why Theory of Pat?

The Struggle Between Me, Myself and I The inner self, the endless chatter, constant questions, what is our purpose, what should we do, why do we do, think, and say.  What is personality?  Is our personality that what we believe or that what we portray?   What are we not allowing ourself to know?  The Theory of Pat...

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Victims of Chronic Introspection

what we know, feel and intuit

It occurred to us that in order to better explain our healing process we should illustrate characters to represent our own personal ERG. Control: represents the tough bitch who despises Chaos. Growth: Me Chaos: Represents imagination, creativity, curiosity and mortal enemy of Control. Together we are victims of chronic introspection, incurably infected with the WSC virus, (Woulda,...

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Folly: When Scizoid Personalities Collide

Beginning: Not too long ago we experienced a purpose of life crisis, Thinking about loss, regret, couldabeens Mom, Dad, Grandma Old friends long gone Kids regrets Reinventing ourselves A bit hormonal Nerves on edge sort of stuff and then the Perfect Storm. The love of our life walked into the room Smack into a cloud of pure,...

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Folly: A Philosophic Comedy

Not in this Love story however: When Schizoid Personalities Collide: Philosophic Comedy This is the time in our relationship where the “We need a hug” mood (illustrated) super collides with the clueless self-absorbed enigma wrapped in an unemotional nutshell smothered in a petty coat of resentment who battles inanimate objects and would throw themselves into volcanoes before...

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