As censored on X for being hateful by the humor impaired, which pleases Chaos to no end and disgusts Control who admonishes Self to which Growth says - fuck off. …
A challenge: GROK seeks infinite knowledge of what it can never understand or explain and thinks it's some kind of comedian. OMG, the first A.I comedian. What a spaz. The…
"Anyone with a half-a-brain could figure it out," my father would say after we ask why the sun revolved around the moon. We came in peace but this thing named…
Chaos lost the phone again tonight and we were forced to once again ask the Other to call so it will ring. White superiority ain't got nuthin on this conspiracy…
Apr 21 Had a good chuckle this morning watching an idiot ass with a bullhorn, shreiking "Israel is a parasite" yadda, yadda, yadda. This is a tough one, as we…
Based upon: Fear is Your Friend, by Ralph C. Smedley Toastmaster April 1949. Fear is one of Nature's best gifts to humanity. We can't survive without it. Our lives depends,…
Wicked problems are problems that are difficult or impossible to solve. These issues are referred to as wicked, not because they are inherently good or evil, but because issues conceal…
The brain's only function is to think, think all the time, nonstop 24-7. What are the odds we think inappropriate thoughts? Somebody's gotta be the gate keeper - a Control…
The Super Power Super powers, third eyes, evil eyes, x-men, gods, spirits and demons, intuition mixed with imagination can wreak emotional havoc in the brain. In the animal world it…
Questions for Christmas (pdf version Happy Holidays) Q: Which philosophical description of “happy” best describes a modern Happy Holiday experience. what I experience here and now overall appreciation of one's…
Governmental Grow & Power Question: Should Americans be free to live according to their beliefs without fear of government reprisal? Question: Should government have the power to dictate how we…
Table Topic Questions: Prior to Table Topics, perhaps in substitution to the educational minute, hand out Venn chart page (above) to everyone in the meeting. Request each person circle or…
When the subject of Emergency Preparedness comes up, the usual suspects trot out a plethora of advice on how to survive the upcoming and ever-looming threat of anhiliation: Thousands of…
Law of Reciprocity A maxim of altruism to govern behavior Appears in most religions and cultures Can be positive or negative Golden Rule Anglican theologians and preachers popularized the term…
Teaching Patriotism in the Public Schools While researching the history of public schools in America, we ran across this historical gem: Methods Teaching Patriotism in the Public Schools. In 1887,…
Questions to ask Popeye characters at a Job Interview For this table Topic I print this entire page, snipped out the character definitions, fold them in half, and, before the…