Chaos Playground We let them out to play or there's Chaos to pay

June Holidays – Table Topics

Official Holidays are designated by governments, religious organizations. USA has about 10 paid holidays. The remainder are unofficial ‘holidays’ tossed like mud on a wall to see what sticks. Talk Like a Pirate Day was started by a racketball injury in which the player fell and yelled Aaarrrr, which sparked the idea Humor columnist Dave Berry got...

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Valentine’s Day Table Topic Discussion Questions

Valentine’s Day Table Topics Make the questions special by printing and cutting out each square, then cut out folding hearts on red construction paper. Glue or paste the squares onto the hearts. (Questions for Valentine’s Day – Print and paste onto red construction paper hearts.) Mother Nature made it rain cats and dogs on Valentine’s Day. What,...

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Timely Topics Need Strong Voices

Timely Topics Need Strong Voices If not Toastmasters, who? Free speech is not only about an individuals protected right to speak but the responsibility of the individual to listen and allow other individuals to express themselves. The Constitution of the United States, Bill of Rights, freedom to speak. As with any speech, regardless whether the opinion is...

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Where to Find Inspiration

Table Topics: Inspiration The dictionary definition of inspiration: “The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative”. There is no single way to find inspiration because we are all influenced by different methods of inspiration. The good news is inspiration is something completely under our control. The trick is to...

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What’s Your Excuse?

Excuses If: I had a good education I could get more money I could find a good job Other people understood me Did not fear what they would say Had been given a chance I were younger I could meet the right people I had the talent some people have I dared assert myself The boss would...

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Me, Myself and I

The Theory of Pat is a gradual process which will expand as we work out that which vexes us most.  The mysteries of our past, present and future. Theory of Pat is where Me, Myself and I become We, Ourselves and Us. This is an attempt to address the neverending war Between Control and Chaos, to learn...

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Chore Wars

Division of Chores In a civilized society, a modicum of grooming and maintenance is required for an individual to successfully exist. This means some chores are required for everyone, man, woman or child, rich or poor. Chores are how we learn the habits of grooming and maintenance. Definition of a Chore: 1. a routine task or job...

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Compartmentalization, the narcissism of rejection

Compartmentalization, the narcissism of rejection, prevents introspection. Chaos reminds this is where shadows communicate through fear and intimidation.shadows repeat the same script everywhere. Compartmentalization is how the brain Compartmentalization is a form of psychological defense mechanism in which thoughts and feelings that seem to conflict are kept separated or isolated from each other in the mind. per...

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Why Theory of Pat?

The Struggle Between Me, Myself and I The inner self, the endless chatter, constant questions, what is our purpose, what should we do, why do we do, think, and say.  What is personality?  Is our personality that what we believe or that what we portray?   What are we not allowing ourself to know?  The Theory of Pat...

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What to do with Useless Memories

Think, weigh evidence

A self-forgiving process. There are two places where we send unwanted, unresolvable thoughts and memories for a good reason. Anxiety producing useless, unresolvable memories that involve loved ones, deceased relatives, pets. Golden Palace – The Palace of Wonderfulness from which there is no return. Forever banned to the palace Where every needs or want is met Where...

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