Chaos Playground We let them out to play or there's Chaos to pay

Things a Politician Can Do Before the Door Hits

Have a heart towards upcoming retiree Boomers and lift all child-safety laws before we see a rash of injuries and fatalities suffered removing impregnable safety precautions. Insurance rates will soar.   Children need challenge anyway. Maybe they can teach their parents why they should just keep poisons out of reach of children and not interfere unless there’s blood....

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Bucket list for Reintarnation

Phoenix Rising

Is it Impossible to Imagine NonExistence? We Suspect it is impossible. While painting butterflies, one dreary, rainy day, our shadows became mesmerized with the rythmic movement of forest trees dancing in the rainy breeze.  It’s not often we get along. We found ourself wondering about the great mondo-beyondo should there be such a thing, and our possible...

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To X or Not to X

That is the Question aka How to Chuck-Hole the Self into X-Obscurity Twitter – now X, our agreed upon, allowed indulgence, now and then invites us to “Promote a Tweet” after which our heart sinks unanomously as the argument forever ensues. Self asks: “Well – do we wish to promote what is now probably an X?” We...

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Joke: Tall Tales, Epictetus the Philosopher Slave

cartoon philosopher with clay tablets

Epictetus was a Greek Stoic philosopher. He was born into slavery at Hierapolis. His masters became angry at his annoying intellect and constant philosophizing on the immmoralty of slavey so they threw Epictetus to the lions. The ampitheater was filled with a howling mob screaming to see the annoying slave philosopher torn to pieces. A great lion...

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Imaginary Enemies

Imaginary Enemies Go back through history of talk shows from when television began, talk shows like Johnny Carson, Comedy Roasts, sitcoms . Study it for yourself, it’s all out there. Some of it justified, sure but regardless a steady drumbeat against individual initiative, private property ownership, self employment, small businesses, freedom of conscience, freedom of speech, autonomy...

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2D Thinking vs 3D Thinking

Fast Thinking vs Slow Thinking Ever listen to a fast talking person and wish they’d just take a freaking breath long enough for you to process what they said before they go charging into their next subject? We find fast talkers exhausting to listen to and find our mind wandering within seconds.  Do fast talkers realize their...

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Speech Buds 50 Scenario Thought Joggers

Ask self Who what when where and why

Speech Buds The items here are speech and table topics and ideas we have jotted down over the years through listening to others speak at Toastmaster meetings. We like to refer to these notations as “Speech Buds” because we hope they will flower into wonderful speeches eventually. Some already have, but ideas may be used and reused...

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Resist the Call of the Crowd – Table Topics

Non-Conformity or the Herd? We’re constantly told what shows to watch and which books to read.  Movies use background music to inform who are the good, bad and ugly guys and to set over all mood, comfort level and character development. Carefully crafted, ideological-leaning messaging delivered by Internet, radio, television, social media, tech, politics inform as to...

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Make a Resolution – Be Yourself, Table Topics

2023 Incoming Year. Make a resolution to be Yourself Question: Are New Years resolutions reasonable? Question: Is it reasonable, or possible to ‘be yourself’ regardless the situation? Question: What “Be Yourself” decision may have changed your life path? Question: What are you going to do to be yourself when you retire? Question: On your Be Yourself island...

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Define Right and Left

Define Right and Left – My How They Have Changed History of right vs left dynamics: “The terms right and left refer to political affiliations originating early in the French Revolutionary era of 1789–1799 and referred originally to the seating arrangements in the various legislative bodies of France. As seen from the Speaker’s seat at the front...

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