As censored on X for being hateful by the humor impaired, which pleases Chaos to no end and disgusts Control who admonishes Self to which Growth says - fuck off. …
A challenge: GROK seeks infinite knowledge of what it can never understand or explain and thinks it's some kind of comedian. OMG, the first A.I comedian. What a spaz. The…
"Anyone with a half-a-brain could figure it out," my father would say after we ask why the sun revolved around the moon. We came in peace but this thing named…
Chaos lost the phone again tonight and we were forced to once again ask the Other to call so it will ring. White superiority ain't got nuthin on this conspiracy…
Apr 21 Had a good chuckle this morning watching an idiot ass with a bullhorn, shreiking "Israel is a parasite" yadda, yadda, yadda. This is a tough one, as we…
Based upon: Fear is Your Friend, by Ralph C. Smedley Toastmaster April 1949. Fear is one of Nature's best gifts to humanity. We can't survive without it. Our lives depends,…
Soap was invented to make people feel clean, remove dirt, grime and sweat. Washing the hands often, it was discovered later, slowed the spread of germs and could stop some…
Unplugged the fb Cord Tonight. We had a bit of a row with a facebook Idiot bot (possibly low wage, low intellect, few social skills probably a virgin or vegan…
A truism you can take to the bank. The more we learn the stupider we get. It is impossible for any one person to know everything because they'd spend their…
Our past disagreement with ideological Twits over whether an historic reference to an old joke was hate speech to apologize for or legitimate speech... well, both Chaos and Control, after…
Are Beheadings Debatable? Chaos knows intense coverage by media of horrific events serve to desensitive, normalize and diffuse psychological impact of dangers in our midst. Media replay of terrifying events…
Share-the-suffering Political Royalty, ...Chaos suspects, possesses low brain fart capacity. It is reasonable, Chaos promotes, that the more creative the mind, the more possibilities of brain fart activity which in…
Pastafarian Sighting: FSM Sighting: Flying Spaghetti Monster We spent an afternoon soaking in the warm circulating waters of our spa which we keep heated at 100 degrees to avoid death…
Observations to Consider the Sound of Music We seem to oddly agree the circumstance of the regurgitation of the Sound of Music through the avenues of all things media whilst…
Village Idiot Mascotts Movie Review: "The Village" popped up in our Netflix queue as a 5 star suggestion, which piqued curiosity not having seen any of the M. Night Shyamalan…