Chaos Playground We let them out to play or there's Chaos to pay

Had No Value for Us

What does this mean to have value for a person, place or thing or to have no value of same? Our own Mother held no value for us. We developed a relationship with Mother only after introducing a product need, service or atonement we could fulfill to gain her approval. Emphasis on atonement. Do humans have a...

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Crisis of Trust

We are experiencing a crisis of trust this A.M. as we await on hold with our internet/phone/tv service. We are increasingly aware of the no-contact walls companies throw up to block all personal interaction between them and the filthy masses. The notion of Community Forums where lost souls and other customers stumble through a mazes of innocuous...

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Avoiding the Call of the Wild

Call of the Wild Some time ago Chaos got us embrouled with a facebook rant by a shadow who was infuriated that an owl had snatched his pet squirrel and flew is away into oblivion. Seems he had emotional connections with the beast after having rescued it from certain death as a baby and nurtured for many,...

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Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds As denizens of the 60’s we remember caged birds on display for sale in department stores such as Sears and Montgomery Wards (Monkey Wards). We owned a couple of birds so we know what bird seed looks like, feels like, and yes…tastes like. Ceramic and silly Chia pets showed up on the scene around the...

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Social Media Censorship. The Logic Astounds

We foolishly decided to comment on a post on facebook by responding to a plea to find low carb recipes made by a person struggling to control his weight. We underwent bariatric surgery a few years ago and discovered bariatric surgery cookbooks are filled with wonderful and tasty low carb recipe combinations.  So we shared. This morning...

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Appropriate American Attitudes

Tired, Hungry, Huddled Masses America is Not Chaos ruminates over the infantile behavior of those who chose to loot, rob and destroy while searching for resolution which will result in the balance necessary to achieve the quorum necessary to achieve peace. (or whatever). Regards to the willingness of politicians and intended victims proclivities to excitement and violence...

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Denial Makes the World go Around

Denial: “Denial is an unconscious defense mechanism in which an individual refuses to recognize or acknowledge objective facts or experiences to protect themselves from discomfort and anxiety.” Denial is intrinsic to how people relate to each other.  If it weren’t for denial of our differences, people would never get along. The idea of denial as defense mechanisms...

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Twitter a Social Behemouth

History Lesson for Chaos Upon researching the real life Judge Roy Bean reveals Hollywood history at its worst. The true character of JJB is completely malaigned and mischaracterized to historically associate this judge with the hanging judge moniker. The facts of his judge ship are that he was honerable yet here he is reduced to mockery through...

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Free Will is Organic

We may cause a few headaches this night with a bit of a mind twist. We’ve noticed a slight uptick in the ‘there’s no such thing as free will because…’ arguments. To which we say ‘What’s the point?’ It’s all  Imaginationland, just like South Park. Then it occurred to us, our characters on theoryofpat, Control, Chaos, Growth,...

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Table Topic: If We Could, Would We?

The 5 W’s Table Topic Questions As we contemplated our assignment to ask our fellow members and guests questions that might provoke thoughtful responses, we remember the 5 W’s as taught to us from an early age. Promote deep thinking with “who, what, when, where, why and how” questions. What would happen if we could travel to...

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