Battleship Brain Games

Battleship Brain Games

Chapter 7 Life in the Fat Lane Chapter 6 explained why criticism hurts more than compliments help. What can we do about that? The virtual Battleship game ensues. Control Side…
online predator

The Challenge

Chapter 6 Life in the Fat Lane War on Fat may not be won through: Consumption of any food, drink Drugs Surgery Exercise Knowledge External Forces Understand the Rules of…
They know when we are sleeping, they know when we'r awake

Race for the Money

Chapter 5  Life in the Fat lane Fast Food TV Ads Race for the money! 1970 Fast food market reaches $6 billion 2015 Fast Food market exceeds $570 Bilion Which…

Enter the Computer

Chapter 4 Life in the Fat Lane Oh Snap! Enter the computer age. As if it is not bad enough we sit at the hearth of the television set for…
Chapter 3 Life in the fat Lane

Chapter 3 Life in the fat Lane

A Timeline of Fast Food Growth Fast Food developed along side technology as more women entered the workforce the need for easily prepared and quick meals came into play. And…
Brain On Fear – Table Topics

Brain On Fear – Table Topics

Glossophobia (Gloss-o-FO-bee-uh) Glossophobia, a fear of public speaking is a common type of social phobia, (social anxiety disorder). Glossophobics feel excessive self-consciousness, fear humiliation in social situations where they may…
What is Your Face?

What is Your Face?

What Self-Image Becomes Personality? Question: Which emotion does your inner arrow point to right now? What is your overall mood between "Excited, Sad, Scared, Angry, Loving, Happy"? The next question…