Chaos Playground We let them out to play or there's Chaos to pay

Folly: Enter Mr. Spock

A few silent, uneventful months pass. We are working in home office and hear a noise outside. We rise to look out the window and see MIL & Co’s truck pull away from our drive. & Co looks back and laughs like a demented schoolboy pulling a silly prank as they as they sped away. MIL &...

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Folly: Does Not Compute

Add to the Mystery Question: why doesn’t he seem to care? Bigger Q: Why doesn’t he seem to care that he doesn’t seem to care? Is this a guy thing? What about his FIL? A self-defense mechanism? Regardless, our search for fantasy MIL ended. We never saw or spoke with MIL & Co ever again. Over time…MIL...

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Folly: Ask The Right Question

Ask ourselves again for the millionth time What could make us not talk to our kids ever again? What crime too heinous What perversion too unforgivable Head to toe tattoos and piercings …. that one would be hard.Then we realized we are asking the wrong question.It’s NOT about we, it’s about he! The Real Question What was...

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Folly: Back to Perfect Storm

So weeks later as we unpack to get the art studio in order set up, we stumbled upon a nicely framed professional photo of MIL&Co. They appeared older than we remembered. A good looking couple in their mid 70’s, enjoying life….and that smile… “Throw it into the fire.” shouted Chaos. “Think of the guilt..” Control reminded. Growth...

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Folly: Sons of Narcissistic Mothers

This is the point where we realize we know a lot about Narcissistic Mothers and their daughters but we neglected to consider the effects Narcissistic Mothers have on their sons. Ah the shortsightedness of we of the Schizoic Personality Enhancement. We, of course accept this burden as an adaptation to extremely adverse conditions visited upon helpless children...

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Folly: Narcissistic Parents Resources & References

Resources The Narcissistic Mother Broken Sons of Narcissistic Mothers/ Sons of Narcissistic Mothers/ Narcissistic Personality Disorder/Symptoms Causes/ Researching “crazy” and “crazy-makers” on the Internet is like researching mystery symptoms on the Internet, then becoming a hypochondriac and refusing to recognize symptoms of hypochondria. In other words, everybody’s got a little crazy in them. But… when you can...

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Marriage of Shit and Shinola

Shitholes and Shinola While the shit-storm rages over shit-hole countries, our mind wandered to some queries we made a few years ago as to the racial break-down of “Best Cities in which to Live” best States, best Countries which prompted us to gather some data in a neat little visual to display what is most often referred...

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Change the Record

Mind map our vexes

Chapter 10 Life in the Fat Lane When Chaos Strikes, instead of settling for “just this once”, send memories of heartburn. When thoughts of comfort food trigger anxiety or Bad memories or regrets, mentally place the thoughts in a box, seal it tight & play Kick the can Kick it down the road for futher contemplation for...

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Ba Dum, Dum. Timing is Everything

Chapter 9 Life in the Fat Lane Reset Your Own Memory Matrix Realize all compromise between Control & Chaos thus far are solutions to conflicts using tools available at the moment of past incidences and have no bearing upon current contentions, arguments or conflicts. The purpose or matrix of your original brain at conception was to absorb...

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Decide Who Decides

Chapter 8 Life in the Fat Lane And because this is a WAR Chaos responds with thoughts of chocolate bars and comfort foods reinforced by media input. It is up to us to Decide Who is the Decider Just like the Highlander, there can be only one. The choice is ours to make. THE DECIDER The Control Freak...

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