Examination of Stereotypes

Maslow's “A Theory of Human Motivation,” explains throughout life, we collect volumes of assumptions and stereotypes learned through education and personal experience. U name it. Assumptions are everywhere around us,…
Conservative(ish)” Atheist

Conservative(ish)” Atheist

"The principles of limited government, individual responsibility, and an open marketplace are not grounded in religious beliefs, and they are not anathema to atheism." Bishop McNeill We belong in the…

Not Like U.S.

Ever wonder about dwelling(s) of our fearless leaders? Ever wonder where our fearless leaders take vacations? Ever wonder what cars our fearless leaders drive or have driven for them? Ever…

2,000 years or so, ago…

Visitation of Traveling Ancient Alien Tourists Two aliens cruising the space lanes on holiday spied a tiny ball of blue in the maze of starry skies. Thinking it might be…

The Cautionary Tales Continue

"Fluconazole: it is used to treat fungal infections in the mouth. This drug is used to treat vaginal yeast infections....Chaos muses. The future, Chaos assures, will be populated with underground…

Brain Sparks – Positive vs Negative

How can Chaos explain what she knows in an intelligent yet entertaining manner? Chaos is convinced that everything consists of negative and positive aspects. For instance, two opposite sounding words:…

Brain Burps

Cosmic Shorts Ever notice some people seem different when you talk to them on the phone, then communicate in writing or meeting in person? They seem to change from one…