Chaos Playground We let them out to play or there's Chaos to pay

History of the Pledge of Allegience

Teaching Patriotism in the Public Schools While researching the history of public schools in America, we ran across this historical gem: Methods Teaching Patriotism in the Public Schools. In 1887, after the end of the Civil War and Reconstruction, retired Union Army Coronal and New York Public School Auditor, George T Balch envisions a manual on how...

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Popeye Table Topics

Questions to ask Popeye characters at a Job Interview For this table Topic I print this entire page, snipped out the character definitions, fold them in half, and, before the meeting starts, hand out one each to all table topic speakers, then asked the contestants to review their character’s description at their convenience. Later for the actual...

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Light Tiger Dragon

Hypocrisy of Faith Chaos has convinced us that it is time to claim our status among the tigers according to the Chinese zodiac – that’s about the extent to which Chaos knows anything about Chinese zodiac or cares as we consider ourself without belief. How Chaos imagines the dragon meandering through the shadows in grandious fashion seems...

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Awkward – Table Topics

Why do we experience awkwardness? Brains that react with embarrassment to awkwardness situations increases trust and social cohesion. Feeling awkward activates the same regions in the brain as physical pain. Responses to awkward, uncomfortable situations are similar to Fight or Flight reactions. Fight or Flight reactions: Breathing and heart rate Breathing and heart rate increases during prolonged...

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Joke: The Condemned Man

Back in the Colosseum Days… The ampitheater was filled with a howling mob screaming to see a hapless prisoner torn to pieces. A great lion in his cage roared loudly with rage and hunger. Soon the condemned man, weaponless and stripped of clothing, was led into the arena. The door to the lions cage flung open and...

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What Shape are You – Table Topic

Visual Table Topics Print and cut out shape squares. Place shapes in a paper bag or basket. Do not identify any shape as round, heart, splat, etc. Allow speaker to define the shape. Allow Table Topics speaker to draw one shape out of the bag or basket. OR Spread the all shapes out on a table and...

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Has Spring Sprung a Leak? – Table Topics

Has Spring Sprung…a Leak? The spring storms start around March in the USA. The old adage “In like a lion, out like a lamb” describes March weather. “The storm starts, when the drops start dropping When the drops stop dropping then the storm starts stopping.” ― Dr. Seuss by Dr. Seuss Describe spring rain as though it...

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Willie Wonka Table Topics

Golden Ticket Put yourself in the shoes of Charlie who learn he’s been chosen to visit the Willie Wonka at his illusive and secretive chocolate factory.   Golden Ticket You find a Golden Ticket for the Ultimate Fantasy Prize What is your Ultimate Fantasy Prize? Golden Ticket Five Gold Ticket holders compete for the Ultimate Fantasy Prize...

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Absurdities – Table Topics

Absurdities Make for Fun Table Topics It is much easier to formulate 2 to 3 minute tall tale or story when you are working with what is most familiar. Try a Table Topics session with things that don’t make sense.. Select one of the following absurd objects and sell it with your own words to the TM...

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Reruns – Table Topics

Reruns are rebroadcasts of movies or programs that have already been aired on TV. Rerun of the vote Rehash of something familiar, imitation Try these Table Topic questions: How important are reruns in your grand scheme of television-watching life? Choose: International Dog Show Competition or your favorite all time rerun? Why Have you ever tried to rerun...

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