The Theory of Pat is a gradual process which will expand as we work out the mysteries of our past, present and future. We chose to share as we learn and practice how to navigate our own impulsive and irrational thoughts so we may help others better defend against those who work to exploit weakness.
A Timeline of Fast Food Growth Fast Food developed along side technology as more women entered the workforce the need for easily prepared and quick meals came into play. And…
Marriage of Market Synergy and Fast Food Chapter 2 Life in the fat lane 1930 Walt Disney develops the concept of "Market Synergy". Signed agreements with dozens of companies granting…
Life in the fat lane Since the War on Fat began, in the 1980's, Obesity rates have doubled. For the past 100 years fast food marketing has worked to infect…
Glossophobia (Gloss-o-FO-bee-uh) Glossophobia, a fear of public speaking is a common type of social phobia, (social anxiety disorder). Glossophobics feel excessive self-consciousness, fear humiliation in social situations where they may…
What is the Meaning of the Word Dog? Decision Grid Part I: Introduction This is a game we devised for a Toastmaster meeting a few years ago as an in-house…
What Self-Image Becomes Personality? Question: Which emotion does your inner arrow point to right now? What is your overall mood between "Excited, Sad, Scared, Angry, Loving, Happy"? The next question…
Memories of Mother We seem to agree that traumatic and bad memories save in the brain like snapshots displayed in photo albums. Fond, loving memories wisp away into pleasant thoughts…
Betty and Bob In our younger days we survived a caustic divorce between parents. As we approached adulthood and reconnected with Father, we spent a lot of time writing letters. …