Chaos Playground We let them out to play or there's Chaos to pay

How We Handled Our Crazies

We agree, based upon what is written about the evils of ADHD that, should we suffer so, we would rather embrace our own Chaos, however disturbing to others we may appear, with the understanding there are limits to behaviors that only Chaos refuses to accept. Utterly undiagnosed, the consensus of our self-annointed persona into the family of...

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Theory of Smeared Feces – The Fist of Sanity

Think, weigh evidence

Man In Kilt Allegedly Put Antiques Up His Butt Then Back On Store Shelves  Smeared Feces Theory Arise and face the wall to oil your deepest crevase Raise fists in solidarity to his, her, its, they, them, their, omm, whey, peanut-butt-er and jelly” exhibitionist, feishist use of both ingenuity and creativity that smooths the ream to reality,...

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Contentment, Should We?

There is a tale of a king who suffered from a painful ailment. His counselors advised him of the only cure—to find a contented man, get his shirt, and wear it night and day. So, the king sent messengers to find such a man, with orders to bring back his shirt. After months of searching the kingdom,...

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There’s Nothing to Talk About – Really?

So many topics, So little time The question was asked: “Why is it difficult to find four guys who have similar interests and can play golf regularly together?” Our brain exploded.  What do you mean there’s no shared interests? The answer is obvious, Golf.  Stay focussed. The very act of gathering to play golf itself is in...

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What Is Leadership?

Is leadership genetic? Could the spiral of the Double helix result from a constant struggle tween Left and Right? as in Survival vs Chaos at a cellular level. We attract that which supports our interests and instincts. That behavior created all the races and unique features in the first place. Go look it up. Mothers, (Grandmothers, Matchmakers,...

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What Fools We The Peeps Have Become

After retirement, we yearned to learn to speak with others, to learn what we were missing out in our after-work life. Media machine seems intent upon pushing a narrative, a repetitive drum beat that repeats across mainstream outlets. The problem arose when we realized that all we had learned to treasure across our lifespan has become convoluted,...

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Visitation from God, or Wrath of Queen Martyr

Our memory holds a several months old recollection of enjoyment over a genuinely, cleverly made “who-Done-It” noir-style  odd-ball comedy, murder mystery with a cast of neurotic actors acting like neurotic actors.  Are there any other kind?  We are of the generation of the end of black and white Humphrey Bogart, James Cagney gangster shows and beginnings of color.  The...

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Population of Mars

Welcome to Mars

As we enjoy life through Chaos in the twitter-X sphere, it occurs to Growth to question; what will criteria for qualification be for the first batch of Invaders From Earth to populate Mars. Physical Intellectual Genetic Specialty Chaos endless capacity for divisiveness, vitriol, hatred, superstition and all other ists and ism that divide to the point of...

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Witches and Kittens, Cats and Familiars

Witch and Cat

People flying on brooms, witches and warlocks creating hate and discontent and always somewhere else. Halloween, Day of the Dead and related festivities are fun and interesting phenomena.  The history behind the myths and legends are sure to terrify or at the very least instill a feeling of dread over pondering our own eventual nonexistence.  However, fear...

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Narcissism of Self – Mind Readers

The comment on Twitter – X. The question prompts the interior dialogue. It’s interesting how often people “read into” what I write and then respond as if I have taken a stance that disagrees with them. I try not to discourage it as it makes them bigger idiots when I don’t argue the point. — Jay- The...

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