Chaos Playground We let them out to play or there's Chaos to pay

Joke: Betty on a Business Trip

Betty walks into a bank in New York City and asks for the loan officer. Betty explained that she’s going to Europe on business for two weeks and needs to borrow $5,000. The bank officer requests some kind of collateral for the loan, so Betty hands over the keys to her brand new 12 million dollar Bugatti...

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Joke: Betty’s Broken Windows

Bob had just arrived to the office when he received a panicky phone text from Betty. “Bob, windows frozen, won’t open!” Bob immediately texted in response, “Betty, just pour some lukewarm water over it and gently tap the edges with a hammer.” 10 minutes pass when Bob received a new text from Betty. “Bob, computer really messed...

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Betty Bakes Chocolate Chip Cookies

Bob, an elderly man lay in his bed, in death’s agony, he suddenly smelled the aroma of his favorite treat, chocolate chip cookies wafting up the stairway to his bedroom. Bob gathered up his strength, lifted himself from the bed and slowly made his way out of the bedroom to the top of the stairs. With labored...

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Joke: Betty and Bob & The Helicopter Ride

Without fail, every year Bob and Betty went to the State Fair. Also without fail Bob would plead with Betty to take the romantic helicopter ride over the lake. Betty’s response each time was, I know you want us to ride the helecopter but that helicopter ride is fifty bucks, and fifty bucks is fifty bucks.’ Years...

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Loud Earth Booms

Big Boom Theory People in our neighborhood complain that they hear super loud booms now and then. There’s no real pattern obvious to a casual observer and no explanations offered from trusty bureaucrats paid to montitor such events. A plethora of things can cause super loud booms. A truck load shift. Collisions between fast moving objects, Automobile...

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America’s Last Worst Moment

We don’t often see pure evil up close and personal. In America evil is reserved for NCIS, Criminal Minds, Action Flicks. Media flair that stimulates imagination, education, social behavior. Actors with make up Something deep inside of us reacts when eye meets eye. It seems to open a window directly to the soul. Whether a soul is...

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When Shopping for a Home

Shop With External Hazards to Your Investment in Mind We have, in past lives, purchased houses located in flood, tornado and severe storm zones. We have also, in the past lost homes to floods caused by severe storms. It is one thing to discover a dream home and quite another to discover said dream home is liable...

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One Lousy Neanderthal

Bigfoot Neanderthal

We were just informed by 23 and me that of our 277 Neanderthal variants we are a the very least one lousy Neanderthal. 23 and me reports specifically identified variant shows we should be less likely to have a fear of heights.  Oh great, now we can finally go on that skydiving class over the Angel Falls...

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Bartering of Who Does What and When

Successful relationships are those where participats admit limitations which bring good fortune into the relationships. Relationships require decisions about who does what, when, why where and how Fortunately, or unfortunately, these negotiations continue throughout the entire lifespan of the relationship. Consider the resulting changes a simple bartering of services may come about within a relationship.   This...

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