How We Handled Our Crazies

How We Handled Our Crazies

We agree, based upon what is written about the evils of ADHD that, should we suffer so, we would rather embrace our own Chaos, however disturbing to others we may…
Ancient Alien Astronauts

Ancient Alien Astronauts

Ancient Aliens series, 1 Through 19 Chaos convinces Self to finally purchase all volumes of Ancient Alien Astronauts and get it over with.   Control insists the argument remains, why, while…
cartoon philosopher with clay tablets

Atheists Are in Common with Atheism

In the World of Philosophy, Psychology, Ideology and spirituality The one thing that connects one atheist to another atheist is a general consensus that God, gods, and supernatural realms do…
Compartmentalization, the narcissism of rejection

Compartmentalization, the narcissism of rejection

Compartmentalization, the narcissism of rejection, prevents introspection. Chaos reminds this is where shadows communicate through fear and intimidation.shadows repeat the same script everywhere. Compartmentalization is how the brain Compartmentalization is…
Think, weigh evidence

What to do with Useless Memories

A self-forgiving process. There are two places where we send unwanted, unresolvable thoughts and memories for a good reason. Anxiety producing useless, unresolvable memories that involve loved ones, deceased relatives,…