Control Your Inner Fido

Control Your Inner Fido

The Brain on Fear - Tackle Your Fears Brain Palace Survival The primary function of the brain is to ensure survival of the host…you. Fido, the brain’s attentive guard puppy…


What's Our Comedy Weapon? We've been fans of all forms of comedy since birth but always a fan, never a fan maker. We think funny therefor we are. Comedy is…
Toastmaster Topics

Toastmaster Topics

Theme or Speech Ideas Now and then a subject pops up which makes me think, hey, that would make a great classroom discussion, Toastmaster's or Rotary speech or theme for…
What Is Equity?

What Is Equity?

Chaos Wonders How Does Equal Distribution Work? If articles of the Constitution and civics lessons have not been taught in public schools for decades how will children realize what they…
Theory of Pat

Theory of Pat

Theory of Pat The goal of The Theory of Pat is to talk about me, myself and I but in the plural as in multi personality based entirely upon science!…
The Right to Free, Clean Water

The Right to Free, Clean Water

Water Wars Water wars of yore are not as yore as one would like to believe, Chaos asserts. Everything that lives and breathes on this planet needs water to survive.…
soud of music

Cold Turkey From Social Media

Unplugged the fb Cord Tonight. We had a bit of a row with a facebook Idiot bot (possibly low wage, low intellect, few social skills probably a virgin or vegan…
Too Much Too Know

Too Much Too Know

A truism you can take to the bank. The more we learn the stupider we get. It is impossible for any one person to know everything because they'd spend their…