The Brain on Fear – Tackle Your Fears Brain Palace Survival The primary function of the brain is to ensure survival of the host…you. Fido, the brain’s attentive guard puppy is determined, to the best of its ability, to get you through whatever unsafe situation arises. Cognition From infancy, parents, community, tradition, religion, science, ists and isms...
Continue reading...pkelley
What’s Our Comedy Weapon? We’ve been fans of all forms of comedy since birth but always a fan, never a fan maker. We think funny therefor we are. Comedy is always in mind and comes out inappropriately at times, but so far we’ve survived. The dream is to be a humorist of some sort or other. Leave...
Continue reading...Toastmaster Topics
Theme or Speech Ideas Now and then a subject pops up which makes me think, hey, that would make a great classroom discussion, Toastmaster’s or Rotary speech or theme for Table Topic sessions. The Importance of: #1 Silence Why Silence is the Think Tank of the Soul Remarkable things about Silence Silence Important to the Brain #2...
Continue reading...Control Gained is Control Maintained
That’s Control’s Motto The brain’s only function is to think, think, think all the time, nonstop 24-7. What are the odds we might think inappropriate thoughts that become suppressed under Control’s ruthless determination to make sure we don’t have too much fun? (We really must think of a more descriptive name for Control. Thoughts?) How to get...
Continue reading...What Is Equity?
Chaos Wonders How Does Equal Distribution Work? If articles of the Constitution and civics lessons have not been taught in public schools for decades how will children realize what they are asked now to relinquish? The Constitution is the basis against which all laws are measured. We don’t weigh laws biblically, by the Talmud, Koran or stone...
Continue reading...Theory of Pat
Theory of Pat The goal of The Theory of Pat is to talk about me, myself and I but in the plural as in multi personality based entirely upon science! We will blind you…and make you see yourself in new … improves… Jesus, it’s obvious we haven’t really thought this through. It’s a real struggle for anyone...
Continue reading...The Right to Free, Clean Water
Water Wars Water wars of yore are not as yore as one would like to believe, Chaos asserts. Everything that lives and breathes on this planet needs water to survive. H2O, the most abundant compound on Earth’s surface has become a commodity. Why? the idiot asks, since water covers more than 70% of the world’s surface, it...
Continue reading...Covid Mask Conspiracy Theory # Infinite
Soap was invented to make people feel clean, remove dirt, grime and sweat. Washing the hands often, it was discovered later, slowed the spread of germs and could stop some diseases. Chlorine gave populations our own private source of drinking water delivered and the freedoms to drink, bathe, pee or poo, fold, mutilate, spindle and expel as...
Continue reading...Cold Turkey From Social Media
Unplugged the fb Cord Tonight. We had a bit of a row with a facebook Idiot bot (possibly low wage, low intellect, few social skills probably a virgin or vegan human) tonight March 14 2021 if any one’s taking notes. We had determined to write, in the comments of one of the endless whiney facebook press video...
Continue reading...Too Much Too Know
A truism you can take to the bank. The more we learn the stupider we get. It is impossible for any one person to know everything because they’d spend their entire lives plugged in like a computer program gobbling up data, forget about developing a personality or social life….then, of course there is that unique and individual...
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