The World According to Chaos

The World According to Chaos

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Diversity According to Hollywood

Chaos tells us that the world maps presented to humans residing in the great pool are not accurate representations of life on Earth.

Inside the dome

Plato, Chaos explains, was Right

The breakdown of civilization begins with alien 1% ers who reside within a protected zone in the Exosphere constructed entirely of gold. 1 percenters scatter gold dust to attract celebrities who float to the outlying edges of the stratosphere zone and hang suspended like bubbles of air at the top of a snow globe.

Celebrities absorb instructions from the Exosphere then transform messages into brain softener entertainment suitable for re-education of the masses.

Close-up view of the interior:

Inside the Dome close up

How to tell when a celebrity or politician is owned by the Aliens in the Exosphere.

This is a simple process, Chaos explains. First determine which celebrities have achieved golden dome statue.

For one clue, look to the Oscars and other glad-handing fest with celebrities in attendance.

At the Oscars, anointed ones gather to celebrate their special day when they officially become one with the orb.

The Oscars, where enlightened millionaires dressed in designer clothing meet to fawn over themselves for their performances where they represent glorified characters from lower-classes.

Then these overpaid, overstuffed apers will loudly critique and complain over unfair treatment and unfair wage scales.

A dead Give Away – Speak for Politicians

Look for celebrities who speak on behalf of politicians. That’s the dead give away that these celebrities are pure and unadulterated bought, sold, hook, line and sinker. There’s no going back for these celebrities. They have been permanently transformed by the love of Gold and are one with the machine.

All this leaves Chaos an unimpressed member of the shadows of the Great Unwashed.

Income Inequality outrage promulgated upon us by people who practice diversity by virtue of pretense.

How many of the represented class i.e. the plumbers, secretaries, waitresses, beat cops, homeless bums, dock workers, welfare mothers etc., were invited to the love fest.

How many were awarded $200,000 gift bags as rewards for actually living the lives or experiencing the tragedies these apers imitate – usually in unflattering manner.


You are here

What little gold dust that slips past celebrities falls upon politicians who reside in the Stratosphere where flecks of silver and gold float freely in the tumultuous netherworld which separates celebrity from the pool.

Politicians, neither sparkly nor beautiful, exist to transform politically correct media brain softeners percolated to fruition, into rules and regulations for the masses. Politicians churn the debris of the tumultuous netherworld by hurling brickbats into the faults and deficiencies of opposition to further manipulate the perspicacity of the masses.

Short Version: For Our Own Good

We the Masses need to be told:

  • Who – to love, Who to hate,
  • What – to fear, what is safe
  • When – to act, when to stay
  • Where – to live, where to travel
  • Why – for our own good, or theirs
  • How – to behave, How to think

Because most of humanity resides in the pool at the bottom of the fish bowl feeding off scraps left from which we all must share. We rely upon siren songs of celebrity and politicians through video, song, movies and mush to keep us informed.

Chaos says the funny part comes when celebrities and politicians whine when the little people (fans, supporters, money changers,) don’t pay attention to whatever thing they seem to be fascinated with at the moment.

This is the tell Chaos looks for when doublespeak reveals dishonesty.

No one – is double speak for those who ignore whatever shiny thing glints for the celebrity to earn their tax deduction so they may hide huge swaths of income into obscure charity work – for our own good, of course.

Political Double speak

When a politician promises to forgo their pay until a thing is done means the promise postpone pay until the thing settles, at which point pay will be collect with interest and per diem

About Post Author


The Theory of Pat is a gradual process which will expand as we work out the mysteries of our past, present and future. We chose to share as we learn and practice how to navigate our own impulsive and irrational thoughts so we may help others better defend against those who work to exploit weakness.
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