Toastmaster Topics

Toastmaster Topics

Theme or Speech Ideas Now and then a subject pops up which makes me think, hey, that would make a great classroom discussion, Toastmaster's or Rotary speech or theme for…
Think, weigh evidence

Speech 3-D Thinking

What is 3-D Thinking? Critical thinking is 3-D thinking.  Critical not in the sense of movie critics and bad reviews, but critical as in asking questions and pondering data. Critical…

What Is Funny – Speech

Philosophy of Funny, aka Humor Gets a Bad Rap When people are asked what’s important in their lives, they often mention humor. Sense of humor nears the top of the…
How to Write a 3-Part Speech

How to Write a 3-Part Speech

How to Write a 3-Part Speech Rule of Three for Motivational Speeches. During a week of procrastination and heading towards a hard deadline for delivering a speech at my club,…
Two Truths and One Lie

Two Truths and One Lie

How advertising colors our thoughts and perceptions Facts About Alzheimer's Advertisements Pharmaceutical advertisements target emotions to instill worry, anxiety, fear, dread into their audience. The intent is to convince anyone…

Board Meetings

When we were employed in the bureaucracy, it was expected to carry the Franklin Planner at all times to record mundane prospects past, current and future. We soon tired of…