Public Speaking

The 3-Part Joke

Three Part Joke – Rules for Change Wayne was downtown at the grocery store yesterday to pick up a few things. While he was gone a news flash came across the TV warning of a dangerous wrong-way driver on the Highway which goes through downtown. We called him on his cell “Wayne, there’s one crazy wrong-way driver...

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Personality Quirks – Table Topics Questions

Personality Quirks Everyone has peculiar personality quirks because we have unique DNA, experiences, education skills, opportunities and abilities. In order to maintain society people don’t think “alike” we think “around” with a filtered nuance that forms a basic community personality. It’s a wonder we get along at all. It’s the nuances that violate the somewhat agreed upon...

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Mother’s Day

We have children. We are a Mother…not a chest feeder, not a birth person…a Mother of three beautiful shadows. We hear over-thinkers in charge of population control intend to alter the meaning of this moniker in American/English language lexicon in favor of a less specific, more general, generic human function such as “birthing person.” We understand this...

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