Private Schools are Indefensible that private schools were allowed to open when so many public schools were closed “Please tell us what are the criteria for re-opening fully in person,” they wrote. And they dropped heavy artillery: “From our understanding, several of our peer schools are not just surviving but thriving.” Shortly after the physicians weighed in, more...
Continue reading...Discussion
Deadly Doublespeak
Chaos knows our slide into the shadowland started the day we sat down to enjoy a bit of news with our dinner and to witness a whore politician look directly into our trusting eyes and question the meaning of the word “is.” Until that moment Control held a stranglehold on the dreams and ideals that we had...
Continue reading...Media Exists to Cut Off Service
Media connects U.S. to spread common values to solidify language to share tales & stories All that is asked is of us is that we listen and absorb. Comes the Net, the Cloud, the Zone Information, misinformation, disinformation shift in communication, shift of magnitude, sky’s the limit. Humanity necessary to the point where humanity becomes unnecessary. Which...
Continue reading...Conservative(ish)” Atheist
“The principles of limited government, individual responsibility, and an open marketplace are not grounded in religious beliefs, and they are not anathema to atheism.” Bishop McNeill We belong in the odd category of “conservative (ish)” atheist, and don’t feel completely at ease with the the crowd or anywhere else for that matter. We became weary of criticism,...
Continue reading...Not Like U.S.
Ever wonder about dwelling(s) of our fearless leaders? Ever wonder where our fearless leaders take vacations? Ever wonder what cars our fearless leaders drive or have driven for them? Ever wonder what our fearless leaders furniture looks like? Ever wonder why we never see any of that stuff yet lifestyles of the rich and famous splash in...
Continue reading...The Cautionary Tales Continue
“Fluconazole: it is used to treat fungal infections in the mouth. This drug is used to treat vaginal yeast infections….Chaos muses. The future, Chaos assures, will be populated with underground speakeasy’s where men who desire women gather in dimly-lit squalor to secretly discuss physical attributes about their desires but dare not express publicly lest they be thought...
Continue reading...Brain Sparks – Positive vs Negative
How can Chaos explain what she knows in an intelligent yet entertaining manner? Chaos is convinced that everything consists of negative and positive aspects. For instance, two opposite sounding words: Happy positive Sad negative Chaos insists even though the words appear opposite to each other, both words have each their own unique positive and negative aspects therefore...
Continue reading...Battle Ship Game of Existence
Chaos progressed her range into infinite possibilities with envisioning the inner workings at the peak of the dome within the echo sphere where celebrities and famous gather to be ultimately merged within inner sanctum padded in a multitude of golden buttocks in which once head firmly implanted replenishes skin, organ bone for gold, never to regain freedom...
Continue reading...Neighborhoods Where You Can’t Go
Years ago on a visit to Mother, we arrived in the lobby of a grand hotel which we had mistaken for our reserved hotel. We had barely made it into the lobby desk when converged upon by several concierge and security, who re-routed us to the door apparently for committing the sin of having the audacity of...
Continue reading...Questionaire: Facts about Alzheimer’s and Dementia
Facts about Alzheimer’s and Dementia Over 5 million Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s or Dementia Alzheimer’s is the 7th leading cause of death in America 13% of Americans over age 65 suffer from Alzheimer’s or Dementia 50% of Americans over age 85 will suffer with Alzheimer’s or Dementia Estimated growth of the disease: 7 million Americans will suffer...
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