Private School vs Public School

Private School vs Public School

Private Schools are Indefensible that private schools were allowed to open when so many public schools were closed “Please tell us what are the criteria for re-opening fully in person,” they…
Conservative(ish)” Atheist

Conservative(ish)” Atheist

"The principles of limited government, individual responsibility, and an open marketplace are not grounded in religious beliefs, and they are not anathema to atheism." Bishop McNeill We belong in the…

Not Like U.S.

Ever wonder about dwelling(s) of our fearless leaders? Ever wonder where our fearless leaders take vacations? Ever wonder what cars our fearless leaders drive or have driven for them? Ever…

The Cautionary Tales Continue

"Fluconazole: it is used to treat fungal infections in the mouth. This drug is used to treat vaginal yeast infections....Chaos muses. The future, Chaos assures, will be populated with underground…

Brain Sparks – Positive vs Negative

How can Chaos explain what she knows in an intelligent yet entertaining manner? Chaos is convinced that everything consists of negative and positive aspects. For instance, two opposite sounding words:…

Battle Ship Game of Existence

Chaos progressed her range into infinite possibilities with envisioning the inner workings at the peak of the dome within the echo sphere where celebrities and famous gather to be ultimately…