Contentment, Should We?

Contentment, Should We?

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There is a tale of a king who suffered from a painful ailment. His counselors advised him of the only cure—to find a contented man, get his shirt, and wear it night and day. So, the king sent messengers to find such a man, with orders to bring back his shirt. After months of searching the kingdom, they returned empty-handed.

“Did you find a contented man in all my realm?” asked the king.
“Yes, O king, we found only one in all thy realm,” they replied.
“Then why did you not bring back his shirt?” the king demanded.
“Master, the man had no shirt.”

(Condensed from Tan, P. L., Encyclopedia of 7700 Illustrations, Bible Communications, Inc., 1996, pp. 272–273) – ripped from

The Greatest Wealth is Contentment, a Buddhist Perspective on Poverty

“The basic needs of a monastic provide a useful benchmark: food sufficient to alleviate hunger and maintain one’s health, clothing sufficient to be socially decent and to protect the body, shelter sufficient for serious engagement with cultivating the mind, and health care sufficient to cure and prevent disease.

People who voluntarily renounce worldly possessions and pleasures in favor of a life of such minimal needs belong to the community of “noble ones”

Contentment in Islam

“If people become content with the little they have, then there will be no poor or deprived persons among them. If a person is content with what Allah, the Almighty, has given him, he will be powerful and in no need of others, even if he does not possess a lot in this life.”


What is Contentment?

“Contentment, or contentedness, is a state of being satisfied with what you have, where you are and who you are. Being content means you’re happy with your current state and don’t need or want anything more to maintain your level of happiness.”

Boy Howdy if nothing screams Stay In Your Lane any louder we can’t think of anything softer than a jet engine.

Who are these sages to place such outrageous demands upon the great unwashed masses?

What is it with those who invariably make more every single time they manage to convince everyone else that they will be happier with less?

Ming the Merceess and General Kale are quite in agreement. Hail Ming.

General Kala

Emperor Ming the Merciless

We assume, the skeptic, the answer is control of population.  Kind of a hold everything, let us catch our breath, sort of hting where those who pull the strings can sort it all out before the worst may happen.

We must regroup, form sides, bond over ideology, psychology, race, religion, proclivity

History repeats. If the secret, or path to contentment is to not care.
How is this a survival trait for a species?


About Post Author


The Theory of Pat is a gradual process which will expand as we work out the mysteries of our past, present and future. We chose to share as we learn and practice how to navigate our own impulsive and irrational thoughts so we may help others better defend against those who work to exploit weakness.
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