The Brain on Fear – Tackle Your Fears Brain Palace Survival The primary function of the brain is to ensure survival of the host…you. Fido, the brain’s attentive guard puppy is determined, to the best of its ability, to get you through whatever unsafe situation arises. Cognition From infancy, parents, community, tradition, religion, science, ists and isms...
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The World According to Chaos
Diversity According to Hollywood Chaos tells us that the world maps presented to humans residing in the great pool are not accurate representations of life on Earth. Plato, Chaos explains, was Right The breakdown of civilization begins with alien 1% ers who reside within a protected zone in the Exosphere constructed entirely of gold. 1 percenters scatter...
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Call of the Wild Some time ago Chaos got us embrouled with a facebook rant by a shadow who was infuriated that an owl had snatched his pet squirrel and flew is away into oblivion. Seems he had emotional connections with the beast after having rescued it from certain death as a baby and nurtured for many,...
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Denial: “Denial is an unconscious defense mechanism in which an individual refuses to recognize or acknowledge objective facts or experiences to protect themselves from discomfort and anxiety.” Denial is intrinsic to how people relate to each other. If it weren’t for denial of our differences, people would never get along. The idea of denial as defense mechanisms...
Continue reading...Free Will is Organic
We may cause a few headaches this night with a bit of a mind twist. We’ve noticed a slight uptick in the ‘there’s no such thing as free will because…’ arguments. To which we say ‘What’s the point?’ It’s all Imaginationland, just like South Park. Then it occurred to us, our characters on theoryofpat, Control, Chaos, Growth,...
Continue reading...What is a Woman?
We came to an agreement several years ago, the four of us among countless as yet unknowns, that since Chaos insists upon 3:00 A.M. crying sessions we should establish ground rules so at least three of us can get some sleep. Our female birth was a disappointment. Everyone involved prayed for a boy…Had I been a boy,...
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Acknowledge the Shadow What is it that you do not tell yourself? Control, the brain’s Inner Guard protects the id, ego, and superego from harm. The Id, ego, and superego collude to prevent awareness of uncomfortable truths about ourselves which prevent us from acknowledging the role we play in that search which contributes to what we find...
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It’s probably a maturity thing as we progress from the comfortable safety of infancy and enter the Brave New World. It’s only natural to want to drag the security blanket into adulthood and be sheltered by a myriad system of government laws, rules and regulations designed to protect us from ourselves. Every generation makes a collective stand...
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Human Experimentation in Science Fiction Altered Carbon Total Recall Avatar Iron Man Transformers I-Robot We’re down here in the pool fighting with each other over trifles while we allow ourselves to become divided into blocs, types, interests, cataloged, fondled, mutilated stapled and placed into the round file. 1909 Virginian Progressive eugenicists authorized doctors to sterilize ethnic...
Continue reading...Artificial Intelligence and the Age of Unconsent
Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Seven requirements: Human oversight, Technical robustness, Privacy and data governance, Transparency, Fairness, Well-being, Accountability The main fields involved in robot ethics are: Robotics, Computer science, Artificial intelligence, Philosophy, Ethics, Theology, Biology, Physiology, Cognitive science, Neurosciences, Law, Sociology, Psychology, Industrial design the foundation for robot ethics was Runaround (story), a science fiction short...
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