Pop Thoughts

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After consideration Chaos determined these are random thoughts belong in the popup thought category. Pop up thoughts are as annoying to concentration as pop-up ads are to browsing. Arguments Chaos insists, both are necessary.

Artificial Sweeteners Apparently Cause Diabetes

Scientists seem to have suddenly discovered a link between artificial sweeteners and diabetes.
Either these are the results of the 150 year social experiment and the jig is up, or:

  • An entirely new experiment is in play
  • It’s just another anti-monsanto propaganda hit piece

Either way, we’re screwed down here in the pool.

Critical PostulationsOccasionally Chaos is motivated to comment on a movie or television show or an advertisement. We are powerless to stop this action and offer our sincerest apologies for Chaos’s brash assumption to be a virtual know-nothing film critic.
Chaos complains of the preposterous predicament we experience when presented with serious consideration the of scantily clad anorexic female challenging big muscle-headed cavemen and emerging the victor.
There exists 6,800 plus think tanks in the world and 186 in the United States therefor Chaos continues to believe and embellishes any and all conspiracy theories without reservation.
Why do they call them “missed calls” we never miss them at all.
Thinking about moving to Pitcairn Island to escape violence, politicians and to see the stars. Chaos suspects we would probably move in next door to a retired serial killer who thinks we look like his mother and the entire island is Jehovah’s Witnesses or something so we suspect the only help we’d get there in a crisis is wood for the pyre.
The concept to purge yon mention of excess polychromasia to represent sports teams, mascots or pretty much anything labeled a pigmentation blacker than a bleached paper towel, whether labeled yon hue many yon ages ago is in itself a racist notion to presume to remove poly from chrome standard to a standard absent reds, yellows, blacks and browns..
Chaos insists media reports of current events are merely brain softeners designed to coax shadows into deadly spirals to examine and yarn with despair and darkness and resolve to only have delivery service slip food and supplies in through a hole at the bottom of the door. However, Chaos reminds, these times are really just a form of subversive tai chi or some other mental – I’m in charge of this brain, idiot, not you – sort of psycho babble to shadow sphere. Reminds Chaos of the nuclear smokin bomb in Mars Attacks. A-holes.
If one is cleaning up a stretch of highway for a cause and gets hit on the head with a bottle of warm piss it doesn’t necessarily indicate the thrower of the bottle hates your cause. It might have been just a bottle of discarded piss.
Chaos suspects the end of civilization began in 1953 when DNA was discovered. Like programmers who just can’t stop improving things until chaos abounds, the scientists had a brand new toy!
Chaos’s omniscience assume everyone knows exactly what Chaos is thinking. Chaos anticipated the day we can finally jack our brain into the continuum and fuck up the algorithm.
Chaos finds the thought of celebrating a birthday by celebrating the worst event ever recorded that coincides with the birthday.
The American way can be summed up in two words: Bugs Bunny
The earth, planets, stars everything in the universe might be a germ of an idea percolating inside the brain of a supreme being
Chaos grows tired of movies with anorexic women who miraculously beat the tar out of towering male muscle heads then walk away victorious in high heels without a scratch.
Chaos says we have entered the stage of “fleet in being” in the cosmic Game of Battleship.
Wilderness will always be free. As long as you register first and only go where you are permitted
Why are all the good looking ones either serial killers or gay
How, exactly, are the boundaries of hallowed ground determined, and how are they established and enforced.
The problem with our justice system is it only punishes those stupid enough to be caught.
Chaos wants to convince a group of people that she can play Yankee Doodle Dandy with our farts.

Once the curious gather close, Chaos will cut loose the loudest, most gaseous fart of all time, then leave, forcing the rest of us to apologize and explain.

Chaos finds it ironic that those who exist entirely within superficial appearance find it necessary to ridicule those who don’t.
Chaos knows that men who walk tiny dogs in public are signaling to other males that they are getting laid.
Chaos muses what fun would ensue should regulators require media advertisers run opposing view ads, like the political ads.

About Post Author


The Theory of Pat is a gradual process which will expand as we work out the mysteries of our past, present and future. We chose to share as we learn and practice how to navigate our own impulsive and irrational thoughts so we may help others better defend against those who work to exploit weakness.
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