America’s Last Worst Moment

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We don’t often see pure evil up close and personal. In America evil is reserved for NCIS, Criminal Minds, Action Flicks.

Media flair that stimulates imagination, education, social behavior. Actors with make up

Something deep inside of us reacts when eye meets eye. It seems to open a window directly to the soul.

Whether a soul is a genetic thing or god wrought, real or imaginary, direct eye-to-eye causes the brain to react as though the person has entered our space or psyche.

That is the horror of the George Floyd execution. The direct look by a cold-blooded killer into the eye of the camera, like a safari hunter posing with his kill.

The look of one predator to into the eyes of another predator. The look that says I’m killing this one, you are next.

A direct challenge, whether in person or televised, the survivor instinct takes hold, a throw down to evolutionary survival reflexes.

Contact with the viewer through the lens of a camera the eye of evil entered our minds and sent chills down to our very souls.

Whether souls are real or imaginary, that piece of me was screaming.

We keep these impulses pushed down and under control . Humans are predators, of the apes, a violent species capable of horrible things.

Here’s a few random thoughts concerning the sort of person who is destined to be a psycho cop (or powerful bully).

The majority of cops are good, decent people who fill a societal need to enforce social order without which would bring about mob and vigallate rule.

My first instinct as to why fellow cops didn’t stop that genetic throwback from completing his trophy kill was that he must be a mean som-a-bitch who intimidates everyone around him.

But bullying by itself is not a successful survival tactic if one desires to fit into a chosen pack to actually practice intimidation, which in this case is law enforcement.

I don’t believe in destiny but Mr Floyd’s gruesome, public execution can be America’s last worst racial stereotype moment, if people choose to think.

Would I, could I have challenged such authority and imminent harm to try to save a total stranger?

I don’t blame all cops for doing their jobs any more than I’d blame all waiters for the quality of food served.

Laws are created by politicians and non-elected government rule-makers who layer law upon law upon law to inject government authority into every aspect of our lives.

While the rule-makers from all sides, smile for the camera and throw out pandering, divisive sound bites and make earnest but empty promises to assuage fragile egos of We the Peeps, law enforcement is left the responsibility to enforce often convoluted and contradictory laws .

Which brings me back to what psychological profile described the psycho cop? (Or any dangerous person with power.) An obvious bully would get absolutely no where in a camaraderie of the average office workers much less with people capable of knocking his block off. There must be a fatal combination of personality mixed with opportunity.

Boy, with all these CSI profiles series on TV you’d think someone could work up a profile or two on what makes not just a bad apple but what combination of personalities and opportunities can rot the entire batch.

The thrill killer syndrome. Would Bonny and Clyde have turned to crime if they had never met.

Society identifies divides human beings into clumps of humanity by race, sex, obnoxiouness blah de blah. When will we be divided into personality clumps due to susceptibility and influence.

Now what? over to the point I had to just tune out for sanity and to mourn and reflect to get my head around humanity at its worst.

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The Theory of Pat is a gradual process which will expand as we work out the mysteries of our past, present and future. We chose to share as we learn and practice how to navigate our own impulsive and irrational thoughts so we may help others better defend against those who work to exploit weakness.
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