The Struggle Between Me, Myself and I
The inner self, the endless chatter, constant questions, what is our purpose, what should we do, why do we do, think, and say.
What is personality? Is our personality that what we believe or that what we portray?
What are we not allowing ourself to know?
The Theory of Pat is an ongoing process that expand sporatically as we work out the mysteries of our past, present and future.
We chose to share as we learn and practice to identify impulsive, irrational thoughts and behaviors which prove detrimental to our health and wellbeing.
In a nut shell, Chaos was driving us all crazy so, as we agree repression didn’t work, we voted to give her a website.
As we help ourself rid shadows of forbidden bug-a-boos we agree our efforts might help other shadows better defend against those who exploit vulnerability.
This is We today: