Visitation from God, or Wrath of Queen Martyr

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Our memory holds a several months old recollection of enjoyment over a genuinely, cleverly made “who-Done-It” noir-style  odd-ball comedy, murder mystery with a cast of neurotic actors acting like neurotic actors.  Are there any other kind? 

We are of the generation of the end of black and white Humphrey Bogart, James Cagney gangster shows and beginnings of color.  The Roaring 20’s was our grandparents revolution, rich with comedy, thrills and murder mystery noir. 

Therefor  even though we knew we would not fully appreciate the fullness of the acting at the time.  We ignored all warnings and continued.

The emotional tug with discovery of a nostalgic, who-done-it mystery was an offer too good to refuse.  The siren song of Chaos, when we are in the mood, seems irresistable at times, though not as frequent as we grow.

We Caved

We did not, as Control reminded

  • Save Movie to List
  • Remember the Title
  • Learn Actor Names

We just promised Control, don’t worry, we’ll watch it again.     

The problem exacerbatesObey Me, over the issue of how much is too much relaxation, wine specifically.  The purple desert, a forbidden fruit.  A high caloric treat in forbidden concentration so we placated Control.  We agreed, promised and vowed to remember and watch it again when we are all behaving nicely.  

The general consensus agrees this time we allowed our Self and Growth the forbidden vacation to imbibe Chaos in defiance of warnings, objections, reminders of promises, obligation, consequences…

which sent Control spiraling into Queen Martyr who refuses to reveal anything about the subject.

And here we are, stumped with who, what, when, where, why or how question overload and Chaos obsessively desires to see that movie again.  Back to war.

We agree that it is up to Self and Growth to solve the mystery while Chaos and Control fight among themselves.

Here are the Facts – as we remember

We generally agree the viewing took place on Netflix.

  1. Noir style murder mystery comedy, acting troupe, theater house
  2. A detective or narrator. Man, thin mustache white hat, zoot suit and spats. Older actor, smart alek looking.
  3. The guy twitched while he talked, like a gangster and kinda bounced with 40s jazz beat.

We have searched the internet high and low, at least the sanitized version. We are too trusting for true darkness no matter how much Chaos begs.

We have asked movie buff shadows to seek to no avail.

 Chaos suggests that we did not view any movie but it just could have been an Ancient Alien or a visitation from God or an angel delivering a message.

And we weren’t even paying attention.

Growth suggests if Chaos theory holds true, then God is a, kinda smart assed Italian-looking guy with a thin mustache and who sports a white zoot suit with wide black tie, spats and a slightly cocked gangsta hat.  Or employs angels who look the same.

Chaos insists miraculous visitation at least until we solve the mystery.

A visitation from God sounds a more reasonable challenge than trying to guess what Martyre Mother is thinking. 

We’re doomed.


About Post Author


The Theory of Pat is a gradual process which will expand as we work out the mysteries of our past, present and future. We chose to share as we learn and practice how to navigate our own impulsive and irrational thoughts so we may help others better defend against those who work to exploit weakness.
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