“Denial is an unconscious defense mechanism in which an individual refuses to recognize or acknowledge objective facts or experiences to protect themselves from discomfort and anxiety.”
Denial is intrinsic to how people relate to each other. If it weren’t for denial of our differences, people would never get along.
The idea of denial as defense mechanisms arose from Anna Freud, daughter of Sigmund Freud. The concept remains one of the few Freudian ideas considered valid today.
Denial develops to unconsciously protect the ego from discomfort, distress, anxious thoughts and feelings by rejecting aspects of reality itself.
Anna Freud theorized the development of unconscious strategies of denial form during childhood and adolescence and may be damaging if carried into adulthood.
May be damaging? Look around, it’s more than likely damaging, we agree.
Denial could be the the major stumbling block when it comes to effecting change in our lives.
Where does Our No Go When We are Falling into Yes?
AKA, the illusive battle for self control over what bothers us most. Just where does our stern resolve go when emotions seem to take over and compulsion becomes irresistible?
The answers lay deep in our subconscious, well protected by myriad of control factors that work to prevent us from harm.
The avoidance of harm manifests as fear, anxiety and emotional distress which in turn trigger further emotions to control our fears, anxiety and emotional distress.
The trouble comes when tried and true remedies work in the short run but do great harm in the long run that affects health, wealth and other clichés.
The Battle Over Bad Choices and Other Vices
- Definition includes, immoral or wicked behavior
- Synonyms: immorality · wrongdoing · wrong · wickedness · badness · evil-doing
- Definition includes, behavior showing high moral standards
- Synonyms: virtuousness, righteousness, morality, ethicalness
It’s just that easy, the road to wellville. In order to somehow feel good about ourselves we simply:
- Absorb vice’s negative vibes into our subconscious to severely punish ourselves for wicked wrong doings
- Chastise our way out of errant thoughts or behavior through angelic virtuousness
In the mean time through avoidance, denial, of what causes our emotional distress, we develop coping skills.
What Are Coping Skills?
Coping is defined as conscious or unconscious actions and strategies people take to deal with stress, problems, or uncomfortable emotions. Coping strategies may be healthy or unhealthy.
Which brings us back to our old nemesis, Denial.
Bad Coping Skills
Of the billions of risky and self abusive bad strategies available to the chaotic mind, we discuss
- Alcohol and Drugs, is it use or abuse? Music to the wounded . The question upon which Chaos thrives.
Use or misuse?
Wiggle Room Potential
all it takes for means Chaos There’s a Choice?
What is choice to Chaos? What’s the wiggle room inquires Chaos
- Over or under eating
- Overspending
Sleeping too much or too little
- Sex
- Self-harm
- Aggression or violence towards others
- Destruction of property
- Procrastination
- Blaming others
- Refusing help
- Mean or hostile joking
- Isolation or social withdrawal
- Tantrums
- Speeding or reckless driving
- Risky or harmful behaviors
- Using “healthy” coping to avoid reality
Good Coping Skills
- Distraction
- Journal
- Deep breathing
- Meditate
- Practice mindfulness
- Exercise
- Get creative
- Clean something
- Give yourself a pep talk
- Practice gratitude
- Do something you love
- Listen to music
- Go for a walk
- Spend time in nature
- Take a bath or shower
- Play with your kids
- Play with your pets
- Talk to someone you trust
- Reframe your perspective
- Manage stress
- Practice self-care
Denial Makes the World Go Around
So What is the Harm in Denial?
Denial is a Tricky Subject
Stages of denial
- Suppression
- Depression
- Neurotic
- Psychosis
Control assumes the role to put the brakes on Chaos, who calls BS and so the never-ending emotional battle begins, or continues, as we are beginning to suspect.