Division of Chores

Division of Chores

In a civilized society, a modicum of grooming and maintenance is required for an individual to successfully exist. This means some chores are required for everyone, man, woman or child,…

Promise Paroxysms

Promise Paroxysms Meet Our Shadow Box Chaos insists upon allowing the shadows of others to make comments in this travesty of a web site, and against our better judgment, we…

Ready Set Grow

Alderfer's “A Theory of Human Motivation” Through life, we collect volumes of assumptions and stereotypes learned through education and personal experience. You name it, assumptions are everywhere around us, in…

We Are Not Hostages of Our Past

Introducing Me, MySelf & I. Subject to Change, Growth & Self-Preservation. This might appear repetitive but bear with us... We are capable, confident and strong. We Are Not Hostages to…