Official Holidays are designated by governments, religious organizations. USA has about 10 paid holidays.
The remainder are unofficial ‘holidays’ tossed like mud on a wall to see what sticks.

Talk Like a Pirate Day was started by a racketball injury in which the player fell and yelled Aaarrrr, which sparked the idea Humor columnist Dave Berry got a hold of the fun and wrote an article to promote the event. The men now make a living off sales.
Old Maid’s Day
1948 about 350,000 men were killed in WWII, husbands boyfriends, leaving many women spinsters or Old Maids.
The event was started to socialize as a dating venue at first.
Our family tree includes 1 Catholic Nun, 3 never married women and multiple maryters who raised children who never call, never write…
- Question: How do the Old Maids in your life occupy their time?
Donut Day June 5
Salvation army 1938 Donut Lassies who delivered doughnuts to front-line troops during WWI. Also to help the needy during the Great Depression.
- Question: If you could take over this event with a different reward other than donuts what would you do to honor those who serve our troops?
The accordian was patented in Austria on May 6, 1829 by Armenian inventor, Cyrill Demian.
June is National Accordian Awareness Month.
We asked Alan, our accordian playing member,
- Question: “Why is a day is not enough? Why do we need an entire month to be aware of the accordian?”
His answer? “We need a whole year!”
Too Many Holidays?
Overchoice or choice overload is a cognitive impairment in which people have a difficult time making a decision when faced with many options.
Currently the Internet lists over 1,500 National Days to celebrate in addition to traditional legal, religious cultural holidays.
- Question: Does the proliferation of sometimes frivolous holidays diminish community interest in major holidays?
Great Outdoors Month
Designated 1998 to protect parks systems. Outdoor recreation contributes 500 billion dollars or 2.2% to the economy. Provides nature trails, parks, natural monuments, fishing, camping..
- Question: If you had a month. Where would you travel?
Specisim coined 1970 animal rights activist – animals should not be viewed as property or used for food, entertainment, pets, clothing, research…
Cheese has been with us since 10000BCE when animals were first domesticated.
June 4th is National Cheese Day
In the U.S. retail sector, total natural cheese sales value amounted to about 13.3 billion U.S. dollars and cream cheese category brought in sales amounting to 830 million U.S. dollars in the United States in 2020
Dairy industry claims “Happy animals make happy cheese”
- Question: Is cheese worth the continued enslavement of domesticated beasts?