Read Time:3 Minute, 18 Second
Speech Buds
The items here are speech and table topics and ideas we have jotted down over the years through listening to others speak at Toastmaster meetings.
We like to refer to these notations as “Speech Buds” because we hope they will flower into wonderful speeches eventually. Some already have, but ideas may be used and reused a thousand times with different and unique results. Enjoy
Difficult decisions:
- Relations
- Life/death
- Finances
- Job
- Attachments
- Stuff
Memorable minute or two of sports game:
- Football
- Soccer
- Basketball
- Hockey
- Skiing
- Golf. Tennis…
Moment of joy:
- Wedding
- Funeral
- Birth
- Personal
- Children
- Nature
Most embarrassing experience:
- School
- Job
- Family reunion
- Public place
- Restaurant
Teaching moment:
- Failure
- Success
- Aha!
- Eureka!
- Discovery
- Never forget
Fictional adventure:
- Event
- Time
- Location
- Person
- Space vacation
- Deep sea
Wishes that you:
- Regret
- Want to come true
- Pray for
- Believe came true
Encounter that inspired:
- Awe
- Fear
- Apprehension
- Regret
- Feeling of destiny,
When you realized appearances can deceive:
- Event
- Time
- Location
- Person
- Magician
- Expectation
Brushes with:
- Greatness
- Opportunity
- Death
Life in the Fat Lane - Luck
- Disaster
- UFO’s
Strange or unexpected:
- Encounters
- Turn of events
- Surprises
- Happenings
Describe a trip that you dream to take:
- Country
- City
- Underwater
- Outer space
- Resort
- Tree houses
Encounter that changed your life:
- Event
- Time
- Location
- Person
- Accident
- Introduction
Recollect a childhood:
- Trip
- Vacation
- Friend
- Pet
- Teacher
- Project
- Game
- Toy
Experiences of feeling:

- Lost
- Inadequate
- Strong
- Joyous
- Fearful
- Dread
- Anger
Experience of extreme disappointment:
- Event
- Time
- Location
- Person
- Job
- School
- Relationship
An imaginary encounter with:
- Real or fictitious wild animal
- Person
- Disaster
- Event
Moment of discovery:
- Historic
- Personal
- Invention
- Event
- Time
- Location
Describe your dream:
- Job
- Car
- House
- Accomplishment
- World
- Climate
- Food
Describe your most rebellious act against:
- School
- Job
- Family
- Tradition
- Expectation
- Habit
- Boredom
Describe your real or imaginary:
- Private zone
- Secret place
- Escape pod
- Get-away
- Dates
- Cars
- Relationships
- Purchases
- Decisions
- Outcomes
- Pets
An encounter which altered your view of :
- Someone
- Something
- Food
- Memory
- Reality
- Time
- Location
Misunderstanding of significance:
- Miscommunication
- Comedic missteps
- Conflicting intentions
How technology can be:
- Trouble
- Worthwhile
- Incredible
- Fun
- Necessary
- Nuisance
Survived a natural disaster:
- Event
- Time
- Location
- Heroic acts
- Animals
- People,
Memories of new experiences:
- School
- Job
- Sports
- Travel
- Adventure
The day everything went:
- Right
- Wrong
- Weird
- Out of control
Invention(s) you’d love to see:
- Created
- Destroyed
- Succeed
- Fail
Memorable encounter a person of authority:
- Event
- Time
- Location
- Person
Relate a frightening or dangerous experience:
- Event
- Time
- Location
- Person
Marked a turning point in your life:
- Event
- Time
- Location
- Person
The time you laughed:
- Until you cried
- When no one else laughed
- Till it hurt
- Till you thought you would die?
When you realized:
- Parents were right
- How little you know
- Magnitude of space
- Personal change needed
What caused you to break with a significant:
- Friendship
- Alliance
- Tradition
- Expectation
Experiences which led you to:
- Renew
- Question
- Abandon faith?
Experiences that helped you:
- Grow up
- Survive ordeal
- Learn to adapt
- Become happier
What it would be like to live as:
- An animal
- Insect
- Bird
- Santa’s Elf
- Sea creature
- Martian
Changed position on a controversial issue:
- Observation
- Event
- Time
- Location
- Person
When life taught you a lesson:
- Event
- Time
- Location
- Person
Last experienced:
- Rejection
- Dismissal
- Loss of worth
When you took a stand:
- On an issue of importance
Earliest memory:
- School
- Family
- Disaster
- New house
Eyewitness account to a significant event:
- Personal
- Historic
- Natural disaster
First attempt to:
- Leave home
- Drive a car
- Ride a bike
- Change a diaper
- Cook a holiday meal
First or last day:
- On the job
- At school
- In a house
- Relationship
- On a cruise
- Vacation
- Redecorating
First visit to a:
- Zoo
- Dairy
- Farm
- Library
- Car lot
- Train
- Plane
- Art gallery
- Castle
- Museum
- Landmark
Most memorable journey:
- Event
- Time
- Location
Dumbest things you’ve done:
- Pets
- Parties
- School
- Home
- In public
- On a dare
- With friends
Near Misses with catastrophe:
- Event
- Time
- Location
- Person
- Activity
- Car
- Plane
- Sports
- Weather