Joke: Betty, Bob and the Old Trading Post Indian

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kwahu-eagle-kachinaBetty, Bob and the Old Trading Post Indian


Newlywed couple Betty & Bob took their honeymoon to the back roads of America.

They happened upon an Indian Trading Post. An old Indian man sat in a chair on the porch in front of a big sign that read
”Ask me a question. I remember everything I’ve ever seen or done”

Bob decides to a little fun with the old guy.

“OK,” Bob said, “What did you have for breakfast 25 years ago”

Without a hitch the old man replied, “Bacon and eggs.”

Bob laughed. “You could say anything at this point, who is to know. It was 25 years ago.”

The couple then drove off and enjoyed the remainder of their honeymoon.

20 years later Betty & Bob decided to recreate their honeymoon and retrace their vacation trip.

To their astonishment they found the same Trading Post with the same old Indian sitting on the porch in front of a weathered sign “Ask me anything”

Bob again decides to have a little fun with the now ancient Trading Post Indian.

He approached the old man, held up his hand and said “How!”

The old Indian looked up at Bob and replied “Scrambled.”

About Post Author


The Theory of Pat is a gradual process which will expand as we work out the mysteries of our past, present and future. We chose to share as we learn and practice how to navigate our own impulsive and irrational thoughts so we may help others better defend against those who work to exploit weakness.
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