Brain Burps

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personalities shiftCosmic Shorts

Ever notice some people seem different when you talk to them on the phone, then communicate in writing or meeting in person?

They seem to change from one distinct personality to another, sometimes like total strangers, depending upon the dynamics of the type of connection initially established.

It only happens with certain people, no particular race, sex or fill in the blank in common.

Occasionally Chaos establishes one level of connection, for example a cell-to-cell relationship only to notice a rift in the shadows of the other connections, person-to-person, text-to-text.

Chaos thinks these are shorts in the cosmic system which allow chaos to happen.

We continue to search for loopholes.

Join or Die. First American political cartoonOur Shadow Wonders

If articles of the Constitution and civics lessons have not been taught in public schools for decades how will people realize what they are asked now to relinquish?

The U.S. Constitution is the basis against which all laws are measured.  America doesn’t weigh laws biblically, by the Talmud, Koran or stone tablet. The U.S. Constitution is the thing that endows citizens with inalienable rights, guaranteed. Immigrants come here so they can experience the opportunity to become successful and own land and property.

Our Shadow admonishes to remind the one thing that allows us to destroy our Constitution is the Constitution which grants our freedom to destroy freedom itself.

Driving While Wet

When people drive cars and trucks through streets flooded with flowing waters how many actually succeed before the roadway collapses and washes away the adventuresome vehicle.  My shadow asks whether anyone wonder where they stand in the Russian Roulette countdown.

CancelledCensorship. You know it when you see it. Maybe we need a list of all the words we are not supposed to say. We could list all the bad words and put them in books, like dictionaries and thesauruses. But then we would need a word to describe the list of words we can’t say to explain why we can’t print any bad words in the book of words we can’t say.

What is Diversity?

Diversity is the acceptance of the right of people to

  1. Make decisions freely
  2. Take responsibility for the consequences of their actions

Americans seem to have the first one down pretty good.  The latter…not so much.

Fact of life: people who do not make an effort to live well should expect to live in poverty.  Our shadow is forced to admit this is probably not an original quote.

Our shadow reports feelings of food insecurity when we smell the odorous exhaust of a nearby bakery, KFC, burger joint, restaurant, cafe’, grocery deli, or view most food or weight loss advertisements.  Our shadow possesses the appetite equivalent of a black hole in space.  Yet another battle with the sun.

pontificate freelyJeopardy Answers – You Will Thank Us Later

Answers to Jeopardy questions that will be correct one day orange

  • Orange
  • Argentina
  • Dallas
  • Fort Worth
  • Do whop she bop
  • Canada
  • Louisiana Purchase
  • Sterling
  • Cat of 9 Tails

The Next Level

Isn’t it odd how we assume “the next level” will be something good…for us?  next level for political parties – social engineers.

Control glimpsed the existence of the Chaos of intolerance and unfairness which left exposed the weakness so easily exploitable by Chaos of knowing about fairness, tolerance and what equality really means.

Chaos’s relentless hammering of the unanswered and unanswerable blasted holes which create the catastrophic hit necessary to destroy Control’s smug resolve in our capacity for comfort in logic and peaceful order with righteous fairness and tolerance.

Chaos suggests there is no future for humankind as an independent species. It’s over, the aliens have us by our delicately quaffed and perfumed short hairs which are routinely waxed or electric shocked away.  There is no escape.  We are tagged, cataloged, monitored and tracked, genetically and technically altered, as warned by the Blue man Group.

Like the fabled black velvet paintings of Jesus, no matter where you are on earth, the eye of your personal 1%er follows you.

We collectively wonder if there will come a day when we discover the spiral of the Double helix of DNA results from the constant struggle of left vs right.



About Post Author


The Theory of Pat is a gradual process which will expand as we work out the mysteries of our past, present and future. We chose to share as we learn and practice how to navigate our own impulsive and irrational thoughts so we may help others better defend against those who work to exploit weakness.
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