Witch and Cat

Witches and Kittens, Cats and Familiars

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People flying on brooms, witches and warlocks creating hate and discontent and always somewhere else.
Halloween, Day of the Dead and related festivities are fun and interesting phenomena.  The history behind the myths and legends are sure to terrify or at the very least instill a feeling of dread over pondering our own eventual nonexistence. 
However, fear over a chance appearence of a supernatural spirit, goblin, ghost or magic sorceress leaves us with many questions:
Do witches, demons, goblins follow time zones, (like Santa Clause) to float the “hour” over a twenty four hour period to maximum hauntibility?
  • Do apparitions repeatedly disappear to reappear hour after hour over and over after distance travelled?
  • Can ghosts remain in place as time passes?
  • What is the speed of ghost?
  • What distance can ghost travel over a one hour X speed = ?
We agree the undead or demons probably move or travel 1 to 3 MPH.  Migration patterns may be tracked by following discarded candy wrappers and bad candy as costumed zombies throw trash, go door-to-door to beg for more candy and harass the neighborhood.
We assume this abberant activity is directly related to the percapita of demons available in local graveyards and burial grounds.
While Wiccan, a new religion, came about in the 1940’s, witches in folklore go back a thousand years or more.
Witches, regardless continue to fascinate people in all cultures most everywhere in various form.
We don’t celebrate Halloween through parties or costume and the occasional trick or treater, but we place an old rubber skeleton, two plastic pumpkins and a couple of scary rats and crows in the window sills so passersby may assume our normalcy which ensures our continued survival within the communal hive.
Our disinterest in holidays as a general rule may dissappoint pasty-goers and rattle the faithful, but we derive little joy in celebrating officially sanctioned events.
However, when our creative outlet requested we make a splash for October, our interest peaked.

Artistic Endeavor: Halloween Fare

We have spent the better part of 2023 our personal goal creating paintings on the theme of witches and black cat familiars.
The art show is on full display here
Next month we’ll be on a whole new artictic path.
Wood Cookie ornaments hand painted!

About Post Author


The Theory of Pat is a gradual process which will expand as we work out the mysteries of our past, present and future. We chose to share as we learn and practice how to navigate our own impulsive and irrational thoughts so we may help others better defend against those who work to exploit weakness.
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