What’s there to Debate?

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Are Beheadings Debatable?

Chaos knows intense coverage by media of horrific events serve to desensitive, normalize and diffuse psychological impact of dangers in our midst. Media replay of terrifying events helps the norm prevail.

Chaos smacks our collective forehead with a V-8 slap, media coverage of terrorist violence, and continuous reminders in graphic detail, the threat of such violence, actually binds us closer together with common purpose and outrage.

Exception to the model seem to include those delusional soft-headed denizens with no skills, ideas or anything substantive to offer humanity and who harbor fantasies contrary to the importance or purpose of what humanity roughly agrees constitute a civilized society.

Terrorist wannabes delude themselves into believing their miserable existence might be useful to something or someone somewhere. Media hype, school shootings, wild beheadings, blasts and bombings bleeding and leading provide attention-getting playbooks for idle thoughts in evil hearts and minds…an entirely different rant.

Chaos tends to agree with Texas Commodore Perry who mentioned an act of workplace beheading was “an act of violence that is associated with terrorism.”

The miscreant terrorist wannabe found a cause with the help of hysterical headlines and thought he’d just help out a bit.

The rest of us are OK, just a bit bored with the coverage, but appreciative of the brain softening alarms sounding all at once to assure us everything is A-Okay.

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The Theory of Pat is a gradual process which will expand as we work out the mysteries of our past, present and future. We chose to share as we learn and practice how to navigate our own impulsive and irrational thoughts so we may help others better defend against those who work to exploit weakness.
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