Think, weigh evidence

Theory of Smeared Feces – The Fist of Sanity

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Man In Kilt Allegedly Put Antiques Up His Butt Then Back On Store Shelves 

Smeared Feces Theory
Arise and face the wall to oil your deepest crevase
Raise fists in solidarity to his, her, its, they, them, their, omm, whey, peanut-butt-er and jelly” exhibitionist, feishist use of both ingenuity and
creativity that smooths the ream to reality, as the War on Women is tinkling out of favor in a glisting shower of gold that falls upon humanity like a velvet glove that muffle joys to:
  • shat
  • shun
  • mock
  • deride
  • ridicule
  • shame
  • irradicate
All who object, aloud.

Etimology of Smeared Feces Theory

Origin unknown and unknowable. 
The kilt, an  intriguingly clever challenge to diareticly spread to share copious protest upon creative normalcy.
Up the butt protests have arrived to irradicate humanity the heartbreak of self forage.
We’re bored and Mama is getting angry. Call it women’s intuition, maternal bonding, protection of the species, instinct if you will but we bitches can stick together like wild elephants circling to protect one of its young from attacking predators.
It is time the colony of bewildered and perplexed saviors of humanity through destruction of humanity and those who smear poo and sniff digits become reminded of humanity’s oldest cautionary tale buried deep within its trembling colonic walls.
Shared man woman, child and beast, aross cosmic line lines, known to enery sense, the primal beast holds tight as a fart in a Catholic rectory,
Fear which may not be denied is thus:
When Mama Ain’t Happy, Nobody is Happy
And yet, history repeats.
with the Eddie Izzards, Woopies, Deniros as wisdom past, who in their time placed their own causes up their own butts and then on store shelves and marquee, busses, media to spout for causes of righteousness, advancement of human progress, those who point and shreik like invasion of the body snatchers when exposed as perverts and frauds and other tiresome hacks with a talent for engaging in denigrating civilization altering sthick
Time for sanity.

About Post Author


The Theory of Pat is a gradual process which will expand as we work out the mysteries of our past, present and future. We chose to share as we learn and practice how to navigate our own impulsive and irrational thoughts so we may help others better defend against those who work to exploit weakness.
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