The Right to Free, Clean Water

The Right to Free, Clean Water

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Water Wars

Water wars of yore are not as yore as one would like to believe, Chaos asserts. Everything that lives and breathes on this planet needs water to survive. H2O, the most abundant compound on Earth’s surface has become a commodity.

Why? the idiot asks, since water covers more than 70% of the world’s surface, it is only irrational to assume water should be freely provided to all inhabitants, tenants, denizen, householder, indweller, lodger, occupant and squatter on earth.

OK, Chaos agrees. So grab your buckets and haul your cheap asses to the river or lake and have a ball.

Water companies are paid services that process dirty, disease ridden, fish pooped liquid and through complex series of equipment and filtration systems to purify water for our safe consumption. Water services hire people to operate the equipment and maintain the pipe system which once water is purified transports the live-giving liquid to our collective faucets, toilets, garden hoses and swimming pools.

It’s Not Just About Water

Just as with electric service, gas service, cable, telephone and auto maintenance. Service is what we buy when we pay for water that is delivered to our doors. Chaos wonders whether those who object to paying for water might object over not getting paid for their own work or efforts. Make the mental leap.

About Post Author


The Theory of Pat is a gradual process which will expand as we work out the mysteries of our past, present and future. We chose to share as we learn and practice how to navigate our own impulsive and irrational thoughts so we may help others better defend against those who work to exploit weakness.
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