The Cautionary Tales Continue

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“Fluconazole: it is used to treat fungal infections in the mouth. This drug is used to treat vaginal yeast infections….Chaos muses.

Getting in touch with ourselves

The future, Chaos assures, will be populated with underground speakeasy’s where men who desire women gather in dimly-lit squalor to secretly discuss physical attributes about their desires but dare not express publicly lest they be thought a whore. ..or sexist and other inconsequential quibbling.

Chaos reminds “We the peeps” may alone decry and protest, out loud and in writing under the protection of the U.S. Constitution, the thing which protects Individual Rights, as rights that may never be denied. Everyone else falls under monarchies, dictatorship, socialist rule or democracies. Look it up. Show us we are in error.

Chaos suggests we pay closer attention to the upper crust migration and follow. Could be horse-trading going on between the owners.

Chaos decided we have been remiss for denying ridiculous content to the shadows curiously lingering. Our simpering Control remains, in fatalistic state of free fall flailing frantically, the cascade of paralysis inflicted, Chaos relentless searches for crevices in the armor of our confidences. Chaos finds no issue in admission of pomposity. We have no power.

We remind, We the Peeps, 350 million among the billions of denizens on this planet Earth, alone may voice criticism toward the actions of our leaders from kings and dictators and despots in other countries, to presidents to school hall monitor in ours.

Fake News

December 2016 begins the media driven Fake news “hide the Pea” game. Chaos’s spidey sense – all conspiracies seriously considered – shadow alter-ego tells us something in a realm far, far away from prying eyes and in need of an O.J. cacophony sized scandal… is a-foot.

Which faction will win the rope-pull?

About Post Author


The Theory of Pat is a gradual process which will expand as we work out the mysteries of our past, present and future. We chose to share as we learn and practice how to navigate our own impulsive and irrational thoughts so we may help others better defend against those who work to exploit weakness.
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