Share-the-suffering…Toe the Party Line

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share-the-suffering Political RoyaltyShare-the-suffering

Political Royalty,

…Chaos suspects, possesses low brain fart capacity. It is reasonable, Chaos promotes, that the more creative the mind, the more possibilities of brain fart activity which in turn increase the potential to consideration of alternate trains of thought. Low brain fart capacity creates a void which prevents the balance necessary to the compromise. Compromise is necessary to make decisions which allow consideration outside the profitible, beneficial self-serving.

Chaos suggests political royalty step aside at least publicly. We all know who the real president is anyway.

Zee party line

So. let us have our little pretense. Just think of all the money allowed to circulate in the remaining levels of the troposphere saved by allowing ordinary patriotic, loyal and law abiding public servants giving up their humongous salaries and per diems to serve the good of the country and nothing more so we all could feel proud of our selves for giving the actual middle-class man a freaking break.

As we bask in the logical order of play house with pretend money, pretend jobs, pretend investments, comforted in the wisdom that our princes are not shills for the 1%ers, Chaos realizes the chaos potential of encouraging this comfortable tome.

Chaos Potential

Ever contemptuous, Chaos smugly suggests to placate the idiot moron for as long a time as possible to sweeten the victory.

Spare us the anecdotal tales of the lincoln log had-to-be lawyer who suffered through poverty and woe only to become the self-made public savior offering up self for sacrifice to the greater good.

Woe, as we know, is as relative as “is” is and the woe in matters of importance may range between socioeconomic classes from the loss of a Rolex to the loss of a job for the sole wage earner. No matter, words of hardship, poverty, woe and cash insecurity is to our emotional ears as is the wail of an infant to a nursing mother. Bring emotional images into the minds of normal human beings, the widely televised images of the hobo lines in the 30’s dust bowl, gaunt, humorless widows with 15 toothless children and one well used cow. How awful, we weep for the suffers. We collectively visual life in squaller and filth ever hungry for a next meal and a hot bath.

Interesting media perceptions Chaos reminds to watch videos on the syndicate news on poverty and food insecurity in America. Home interviews of impoverished recipients of seasonal generosities living in comfortable, genial households complete with big screen TV’s and collections of expensive liquors. Chaos finds the irony of the Robin Hood theory establishing the proper social order until the boss comes back to own everything again.

Too late! Downfall of the Democratic Party

About Post Author


The Theory of Pat is a gradual process which will expand as we work out the mysteries of our past, present and future. We chose to share as we learn and practice how to navigate our own impulsive and irrational thoughts so we may help others better defend against those who work to exploit weakness.
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