Peanut Gallery Racist? I Don’t Think So

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As censored on X for being hateful by the humor impaired, which pleases Chaos to no end and disgusts Control who admonishes Self to which Growth says – fuck off.  That’s our girl.

Oh for Pete’s sake! I’ve called myself a proud member of “the Peanut Gallery” since, like, forever, as did my parents and their parents, and I have no intention to stop using the phrase.

In fact the cartoon comic “Peanuts” is a direct reference to being one with the downtrodden, the peanut gallery.

Some know nothing Internet censor has proclaimed the term “Peanut Gallery” racist.

The twisted, Georgian knot reasoning concludes racism because heckling, disrespectful taunts, peanuts and other fruits and vegetables hurled at great velocity toward the dignified and erudite generally fomenting from the cheap seats in the theater

Cheap seats, as we know are the domain of ruffians, ner-do-wells, dissenters, criminals, poor folk of tan, yellow, red, brown and black skin heritage, and whites but… fuck those Irish and poor white trash who suffer in white privilege.

Cheap seats are looked down upon as low class accommodation. Hey, what’s a family of four gonna do to see a show? Pay premium and blow the rent or go second class?

I’ve researched my ancestry. Holy cow people, it’s not about race, it’s about class, class and nothing but class, and making sure we stay well into our lanes… to each according to their needs…etc,…

Most of us are here, in the muddy pool above.

We are all in this together, we ruffians, ner-do-wells, dissenters, criminals, poor folk of tan, yellow, red, brown and black and white all struggle to pay bills and eat with a structure over our heads and most of us are what is referred to as middle class. That’s a good thing, right? Compared to what?

America is in for the “You Can’t Fight City Hall” battle of our lives.

Da gov says poverty level is anything below X per child, per an um etc., then goes on to proceed to study the issues with funding, grants, gifts, pilot project after pilot project worth billions and no accountability austensively to assist proportionally those most historically disadvantaged.

To assist those deemed needy, requires a shitload of sorting, but hey, luckily there’s a beast called a bureaucrat, granted by their hearts desire to bring order to chaos.

Bureaucrats, (you know who you are), thrive on the prospect of cataloging, itemizing, collating, organizing, folding, mutilating and stapling every minuscule aspect of the condition of existence and package into neat and tidy boxes to stock away neatly in the secret Bureau of Cataloging, Itemizing, Collating, Organizing, Folding, Mutilating and Stapling Department.

The catalogers have cataloged and are in process of determining who needs to be placed where to balance the boxes, homogenize the cream into the whey in a sort of early stages Gattica-ish of manner.

Bureaucrats seek to dissolve hierarchy of class and status, to blend, intelligence and stupidity, ability and disability into a puddle of like-minded , over-coddled, homogenized, cataloged, itemized, collated, organized, folded, mutilated and stapled population whilst bureaucrats rule from the stratosphere, secure in the knowledge their subjects are unquestioningly satisfied with less.

Just where do I sign up for that? Puleeze.

Most of us are here, stuck in the mud getting lectured by wealthy celebrities who titter at the lower class inbetween socialite gatherings of glittering gold.

Heckling, disrespectful taunts, peanuts , fruits and vegetables in the form of memes, insults and imojis continue to be hurled at great velocity toward the dignified and erudite bureaucratic, benevolent, self anointed rulers in the sphere of the Internet, the virtual, and oddly enough, echoing from cheap seats populated by those who struggle with finances, housing, other social foopahs.


The pursuit of glitter

American tradition of the Peanut Gallery includes ruffians, ner-do-wells, dissenters, criminals, poor folk of tan, yellow, red, brown and black skin heritage, and poor whites who struggle, yet, remember American poor and middle class are

wealther than the world population in general, and it’s downhill from there.

Peanut gallery was named peanut gallery because peasants revolt in the manner they are most accustomed which is chaos. Chaos is the anathema of order, a bureaucrat’s worst nightmare.

If it is true the Peanut Gallery was a black invention, which I doubt or they would have been hauled off in collective chains had it not been for camouflage of miscegenation, which introduce a condition of ‘if, then & else” that confuses the bureaucrat organizer and causes more work, we must streamline and excise the connection and remove the black history from the equation by silencing the privileged, misguided miscegenators.

Peanut Gallery is not an insult, it is not racist. It is an all-inclusive, inextricable part of the great American tradition of rebellion.


The Peanut Gallery


About Post Author


The Theory of Pat is a gradual process which will expand as we work out the mysteries of our past, present and future. We chose to share as we learn and practice how to navigate our own impulsive and irrational thoughts so we may help others better defend against those who work to exploit weakness.
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