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Now that Twitter is under new management there seems little reason not to reconnect. After all, we did have fun.
The Rats Flee a Sinking Ship
This could be true that zealots and idealogues are fleeing what they percieve as an unwelcoming environment but the result is of those left standing will be the largest collection of individuals in support of freedom of speech, et all in the world.
Maybe something will get done for a change with all these bright minds collected and working together for solutions.
But Twitter is a Lawless Hell Hole!
Which strikes us as funny whenever shadows stereotype Twitter on the whole as some horrid cesspool of hate and rage while simultaneously decrying its awesome power to change very existence itself. Which is it children?
Sure, some infantile shadows go out of their way to be a-holes and instigators, but isn’t it up to each of us to determine for ourselves which others are a-holes and which may be trustworthy. Do we need arbitrators and moderators to run interference with our own thoughts and reasoning?
Trivial Twitter Pursuit
Enhance your calm, John Spartan”, Demolition Man (1993) among out favorite lines from Demolition Man, among our favorite science fiction movies, the point is, “Enhance your calm” is a truism with Twitter.
It takes practice, introspection and humility but if you are truly interested in gaining adult conversation and engaging in adult activities as an adult with adults, then identify your own hot buttons and practice suppression of your own knee-jerk reactions.
Ask Who, what, when, where and why questions.
The key is to engage in adult conversation, or try to anyway.
When shadows hear a good joke, do they repeat it verbatum, keep it the same or try to make it better, possibly funnier?
It occurs to us that when freedom and liberty loathing Twits flee to shelter in place and call it progress, Twitter will become the largest repository of free-thinking, libert-loving individuals on the planet.
That ain’t a bad thing.