Neighborhoods Where You Can’t Go

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Years ago on a visit to Mother, we arrived in the lobby of a grand hotel which we had mistaken for our reserved hotel.

We had barely mPalaceade it into the lobby desk when converged upon by several concierge and security, who re-routed us to the door apparently for committing the sin of having the audacity of being elderly and wearing factory-made, “K-Mart department store clothing and carrying along Costco luggage, and believing for a moment our presence would be welcomed.

We often wonder if they fumigated the lobby after we left.

Thinking about a talk with the grandchild a while ago about incidents like Ferguson and Baltimore and why there will always be places none of us are free to go regardless any particular ist or ism color or creed. And we find ourselves thinking of all the places that we are not free to go.

Country Clubs For instance:

  Take a drive into the country – see all the iron no-trespass blockades and fences, exclusive gated communities and expensive country club, golf communities and courses.

No admittance to these no-common-man zones, places teeming with drug abuse, sexual violence and distrust of outsiders i.e; Beverly Hills, Martha’s Vineyard and the entire NBA, to name a few, but no matter.

Our media is here to (constantly) remind us who the bad guys are…what with all the riots, looting and violence of Baltimore and other impoverished zones which surprisingly, also seem to be teeming with drug abuse, sexual violence and distrust of outsiders.

And we agree we probably wouldn’t be welcome in some parts of violence-prone, ethnic communities of which we may not belong for some racist reason or other, some classist reason or another, but we would be willing to bet it is easier for just about everyone to infiltrate a lower class neighborhood block party barbecue swap meet and make new friends than to slip into a hoity-toity, meat-market affair filled with self-important power-brokers, elites, aspiring politicians, celebrities, socialites and king or the average gala affair filled with wealthy partiers donned in wear-once, then toss costumes that cost more than the average slob’s yearly salary.

But always remember it those heathens the commoners, the violent people who are the problem.

Sometimes we are convinced our alien leaders don’t really want us to all just get along.

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The Theory of Pat is a gradual process which will expand as we work out the mysteries of our past, present and future. We chose to share as we learn and practice how to navigate our own impulsive and irrational thoughts so we may help others better defend against those who work to exploit weakness.
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