Memorandum #1 Cov-Irony

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We don’t go anywhere. We love house-sitting to our detriment, apparently. For years friends, family and passers by have teased us about our homebody ways.

You need to get out more, experience the dream.

Experience the Dream

Here’s a mathematical equation:

Take 7.594 billion individual dreams 24/7 (last count 2018)

Formulate a collective notion (X) to equal (Y) shared abstract physical experiences which ensure social order.

7.594 billion X (X) = Y

The yearly automated happy birthday reminder. Christmas, Thanksgiving, Groundhog Day when we’re suddenly showered with abstract modes of communication.

News from Ireland, France, Turkey and Spain, calls, cards and letters to report all the fun.

Photos and tall tales of cruise parties, sea frolicking and drink till you’re sick lavish 5 star resorts with wait staff at becken call 24/7 to clean it all up.

The word ‘Becken,’ btw, is a Cymbal crash, not a question or request or waving of hands to call attention.

It’s not that we haven’t traveled.

We were campers before camping was cool…
We have memories. Waking up in tents, feeling the moist, clean, cold air which left mist when we spoke. Exploring the redwoods, cooking bacon, hotdogs and hamburger and the occasional fish over the campfire or Coleman.

Memories reinforced when we look out the back window at the forest of trees we created as saplings to surround our cement pond/swimming pool.

Most people have the ability to imagine existing in another individual’s physical experience. It all boils down to personal preference. We easily imagine the physical experiences of living among awesome trees in the Avenue of the Giants or camping at Ocean’s edge with the sounds of waves, seagull squeals and distant elk calls.

We can’t imagine ourselves traveling today…or, rather, we can imagine and why we choose to remain put.

Imagination belongs to Chaos…

light tiger

Dangle the Golden Ring

  • National Geographic
  • Disney
  • Netflix
  • Documentaries
  • Blockbuster Movies

Documentarians do the hard work. They actually do stuff, go places and experience what is extremely unlikely to achieve on most income levels.

Producers, developers, activist, adventurer, all invest in expensive equipment, make plans, hire people, spend a lot of dough, visit, report, record, describe experiences, smells, tastes, touches and feels complete with stunning videos to hopefully and potentially cement the entire experience as memory retained into collective heads for social cohesion.

Through suspension of disbelief our minds use every visual we’ve ever met to imagine ourselves invincible as super hero’s.

  • Travel Underwater without the need for breathing gear
  • Take Space walks without a suit
  • Surviving fire and explosions with nary a scratch
  • Break a leg and keep on walking till the bad guy gets it

Now for the Irony Part

  • Are you bored yet with sequestration and face-mask bondage?
  • Longing for Lounge Lizarding
  • Feeling a bit “Non-essential?”
  • Do you want to break free?

We’re still here having fun.

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About Post Author


The Theory of Pat is a gradual process which will expand as we work out the mysteries of our past, present and future. We chose to share as we learn and practice how to navigate our own impulsive and irrational thoughts so we may help others better defend against those who work to exploit weakness.
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