Media Exists to Cut Off Service

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Media connects U.S.

  • to spread common values
  • to solidify language
  • to share tales & stories

All that is asked is of us is that we listen and absorb.

Comes the Net, the Cloud, the Zone

Information, misinformation, disinformation shift in communication, shift of magnitude, sky’s the limit. Humanity necessary to the point where humanity becomes unnecessary. Which explains the explosion of think tank organizations over the past 30 years. For as much as has been discovered, named, claimed, labeled, tagged, bagged, registered, logged, cataloged and type cast…

Questions Remain

How many tricks can the human animal learn? What is the tolerance for drug combinations? How many media messages does it take to make a human go insane? These are important questions the alien overlords ask now that we’ve all been sufficiently BS’d and mushed into mindless consumers. Then cities burn and the realization reminds the weed patch, the volatile, antisocial, uncooperative, defiant, stubborn, disposable segment of humanity, the little people, exist.

Can you Hear me Now?

Efforts ensue to enfold the hoipoli into exuberant supererogation of the cosmic pool, but only to the edges oft the shallow end, thus narrowly escaping,again,

the dangerous kind of necessity that breeds independent solutions.

Equality Achieved.

Shut off switches compliments of the house, btw, in case things get uppity.

Superiority Achieved.

About Post Author


The Theory of Pat is a gradual process which will expand as we work out the mysteries of our past, present and future. We chose to share as we learn and practice how to navigate our own impulsive and irrational thoughts so we may help others better defend against those who work to exploit weakness.
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