Crisis of Trust

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We are experiencing a crisis of trust this A.M. as we await on hold with our internet/phone/tv service.

  • We are increasingly aware of the no-contact walls companies throw up to block all personal interaction between them and the filthy masses.

The notion of Community Forums where lost souls and other customers stumble through a mazes of innocuous questions and quandaries swim through cacophony of responses idiotic and sublime is a priceless example of the Blind men and the Elephant parable.

“And so these men of Indostan
Disputed loud and long,
Each in his own opinion
Exceeding stiff and strong,
Though each was partly in the right
And all were in the wrong!”

Three weeks we have awaited upon pins and needles in anticipation of all television services going media dark on the Ides of August 7th.

On this date we finally we free ourselves of junk news, laugh tracks and virtual nonsense labeled comedy or enterta

Agony Ads Target Our Fears


Alas… The ides of the 7th came and went.

We find ourselves, once again cheering wildly for our favorite contestant on the Price is Right.

Another trust violated.

We feign shared indignance.  If we can’t trust our Internet Providers to stand by their word and perform a simple account change on a timely manner, who can we trust?

The service technician assured our fears were unfounded.  We would be free of the beast on the 7th.

We steel ourselves for Chaos and never disappointed, service continues to Chaos delight.

Chaos not withstanding, a deal is a deal, we agree.

The new age requires dependence upon an exponentially expanding West World of robotic servants and services.  Must we also suffer bad music, cloying, self-serving blather, promotions, press here, say this or that all under promise, our services are valued.

Chaos works in mysterious ways.

We were pleased to discover the phone connection delivered upon us a shadow of high intellect, humor who held an appropriate gift of chatter that kept Chaos mesmerized while Control monitored cancellation procedures.

We are now free of the infection of syndicated media, syndicated television and out from under the oppressive, often inexplicable censorship  thumbs of social media.




About Post Author


The Theory of Pat is a gradual process which will expand as we work out the mysteries of our past, present and future. We chose to share as we learn and practice how to navigate our own impulsive and irrational thoughts so we may help others better defend against those who work to exploit weakness.
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