Covid Mask Conspiracy Theory # Infinite

Covid Mask Conspiracy Theory # Infinite

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Soap was invented to make people feel clean, remove dirt, grime and sweat.

Washing the hands often, it was discovered later,  slowed the spread of germs and could stop some diseases.

Chlorine gave populations our own private source of drinking water delivered and the freedoms to drink, bathe, pee or poo, fold, mutilate, spindle and expel as we will to be washed, scrubbed and re-delivered on the trickle-down basis for a small cleaning fee.

Germaphobia was invented.
Cleaning products were invented.
Gloves and rubbers were invented.
Disinfectants were invented.
Penicillin was invented.
Mass production was invented
Final Solution was invented
Birth Control was invented
Plastic was invented
Antibiotics were invented
Television was invented
Internet was Invented
Indoor Carpet was invented
Air Conditioning was invented
Electricity was invented
Antibiotics over use is discovered.
Resistance to disease decreases.
Germafobia intensifies.
Antiseptics and disinfectants are invented.
Mass Farming is invented
Antiseptic and disinfectant over use is discovered.
Side effects are discovered
Class action lawsuits are invented
Big pharma is invented
Insurance is invented
Credit is invented


Mask wearing creates snot.  Lots and lots of snot.

Snot makes our noses tickle so we rub our noses and get snot on our fingers.

But not a lot of snot, it dries instantly all over everything we touch.




About Post Author


The Theory of Pat is a gradual process which will expand as we work out the mysteries of our past, present and future. We chose to share as we learn and practice how to navigate our own impulsive and irrational thoughts so we may help others better defend against those who work to exploit weakness.
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