Chaos Asks: Quora Questions

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We Ask the Wicked Questions

These are among the many things Chaos ponders. Whether ‘rightly’ or ‘wrongly’ only the Shadow knows…

At this point, Chaos distrusts the Quora social platform entirely.  When we were invited to take part in the forum to earn pennies for our thoughts, Chaos believed the forum wanted our input.

After several hundred questions we asked, we realized some alterations had been mysteriously made to the questions we asked.

We assumed the legitimate questions we had queried were deemed offensive or not in the spirit of which Quora intended.

We, of course questioned the questioners to little avail.

This brings Chaos to one last question for Quora to ponder.

Why do you ask for questions and opinions from real people from all walks of life when you fully intend to alter both question and answer to suit your particular political, philosophical and social justice warrior outlook?

If Quora personnel are so enlightened and smart, why do they not simply ask and answer their own questions?

Why ask for input from the Great Unwashed only to alter the course and meaning of both question and answer to suit the Quora agenda? The answer, Chaos surmises, is that Quora, like facebook and twitter are bullies with censorship and repression on their tiny little lock-step minds.

Our reason for asking our last Q was prompted by a news headline of a transgendered male, in fact, who claimed he had won first place in an all-female bicycle race, and the females were quite upset.

So we sarcastically inquired:

“If a big ol gal whooped up on a group of NFL Linebackers and won would the linebackers complain or accept her in their group? “

It’s an issue of fair play, equality, good-sportsmanship.

For what ever reason the idiots in charge of Quora took offense.  They did not read the question as legitimate and altered the question into a twisted, deranged meaningless Frankenstein pap.

  • Original: If a big ol gal whooped up on a group of NFL Linebackers and won would the linebackers complain or accept her in their group?
  • Quora Improved question: “What would happen if someone attacked NFL linebackers”

Wow. In what universe is this the same or simiar question?

When we complained and requested the amateurishly clumsy attempt to improve said question be removed from our name we were instructed thus:

“Quora questions are considered community property and can be edited by anyone that is a part of the Quora community. Our goal is for every question to become the best resource for anyone looking for an answer to that question. The community goal is to have questions that are well-formed and easily understood.”

I ask of all shadows to now ponder Quora’s tortured logic to the original question and compare with ours their “well formed and easily understood” replacement.

Since the day we asked our final Quora Question, news reports of other all-female contests have been reported where the transgendered man/woman has taken the crown.

We are not allowed to question inclusion of woman-beasts for fear of hurting the feelings of the winners regardless the fact their male-penises remain intact, only the wigs and the boobs have changed. My god, haven’t they suffered enough …?

PS: For the illiterate – ‘male and penis’ combined is redundant.

We will not return to Quora to engage in any further windmill battles.

These are the questions we have asked which apparently have not been altered that we know of. Click and answer if you feel the need to toss a penny or two our way, but in Chaos’s not so humble opinion, Quora is not a trustworthy forum in which to invest time or energy much less trust that any answer given has not been “translated” for meaning and understandability by that band of ideological fools.

About Post Author


The Theory of Pat is a gradual process which will expand as we work out the mysteries of our past, present and future. We chose to share as we learn and practice how to navigate our own impulsive and irrational thoughts so we may help others better defend against those who work to exploit weakness.
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