Busy Work – Android Phones and Great Apes

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Love that busy work!

We devised this comparison a while ago in the attempt to stave off purchase of our android telephone – a diabolical invention.

We found we were having to perform unnatural machinations every time we desired to visit our online bank account, the grocery store, social media and so on in order to simply log into these entrances to the underworld.

Control made us hold off as long as we could but Growth finally had to step in and make a decision. It was simply too much for Chaos to handle and she was making our lives miserable over it.

Turns out we so appreciate this Devil’s tool a bit more than we should. The drawback to hand held devices is they are a lot like infants who need constant tending…and we ain’t talking good babies, we’re talking Bebe’s Kids with zero regard for race, creed, gender preference, religious orientation. Just bad kids.

First thing we found we had to do to clear satanic influences from the phone was to eliminate all traces of games, which is a nearly an impossible task.

We will only allow Chaos to have 2 games. Mahjongg and Solitaire.

We ask ourself, why would a perfectly normal person choose to deny themself the thrill of playing Angry Birds, Farmville and other such nonsense?

Three words:

  • Pride
  • Sanity
  • Autonomy

Examine sanity.  We look upon the face of the beast and are told our face doesn’t match.

What is one to do in such situations?  Our face is our face.  What else should it match?

People who call this phone are frequently greeted with a streak of blue words as we stumble and bumble to try to remember which button to push.  No apologies.


About Post Author


The Theory of Pat is a gradual process which will expand as we work out the mysteries of our past, present and future. We chose to share as we learn and practice how to navigate our own impulsive and irrational thoughts so we may help others better defend against those who work to exploit weakness.
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