Obey Me

Blowhards and Eccentricity – Where’s the Dividing Line?

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We have discovered, through search of ancestral history that collectively we are prodegy of the Clan of blowhard or as the Vikings would say “Blowhard” with a capitol B.

A description that fits and crosses generations although we’ve yet to discover its origins.





Synonyms of blowhard

:an arrogantly and pompously boastful or opinionated person :BRAGGART, WINDBAG

In our ancestry search we have crossed many paths of familial executions, financial ruin, revenge, religious rivalries enough times to connect the dots between paths of persecution to paths of pain in the asses, and by pain in the asses path, we refer to those ancestors who stood to beg to differ and presumed to know better than prevailing winds and then acted upon these beliefs contrary to official decree.

We find we are progeny of a line philosophers, freedom writers, defiant preachers, indentured servants and descendents of royalty, explorers, traitors, accused witches and other opinionated so n sos who continuously found themselves and all they held dear held up to the ravages of chaos.

What line separates arrogance and pomposity from greatness and perserverence?

What divides an eccentric millionaire from an odd-behaving, impoverished street person?  Does money equalize eccentricity?

If we took money from a millionaire to give to a street person:

  • Would the street person become eccentric and maintain millionaire status?
  • Would the ex-millionaire accept his lot and settle into a life of an impoverished odd fellow?

Probably not because access to money is only a part of a multitude of attitudes and personality attributes. such as

  • Willingness to study, be curious, ask why
  • Willingness to make mistakes, look foolish and learn
  • Work long hours with no extra compensation
  • Plan, prepare, deliver

Is Resistance Futile?

We suspect and Chaos agrees the closer humanity comes to Artificial Intelligence the further from individuality our shadows fall.

The Blowhard gene is hard to ignore as we continue to presume knowledge and opinion on opportunity and events that happen to, on and about our realm of existence.

We remind of John Milton, author of the epic poem, Paradise Lost.  What arrogance to presume such an opinion of the fall of man that he, alone, should write such a message that was to endure through time and inspire creativity for others.   The Blowhard gene was strong with this one, and rightfully so as he had both money and means to explore eccentricity unabaited mostly although his mouth did get him thrown into the pit a few times for blasphemy under threat of execution.

We are reminded of other Blowhard ancestors who excelled and yet brought to heel under threat of execution, persecution, ruination or revenge.

Our collective ancestry at last count includes at least:

  • 118 Lords & 315 Ladies
  • 89 Barons and Baronesses
  • 32 Sheriffs including “The Bastard” High Sheriff of Lancashire
  • 24 Counts & Countesses
  • 8 Queens and Consorts to Queens including Queen consort of King Henry 8th VIII
  • 11 Ships captains
  • 3 Mayflower including 1 signer of the compact
  • Indian interpreters, explorers of undiscovered lands
  • 3 witch trials including George Burroughs opinionated, arrogant Reverend.  Hanged as an accused witch

Blowhards one and all assuming privilege.  Some successful others failure.

How far back does the gene go?

  • Øystein, Eystein, Ivarsson Glumra “The Chatterer, The Noisy Earl of Oppland 810 – 870

We trace origins to the year 140 Norway to connect with Mythical Kings and Queens which may or may not exist.

How many generations does it take to eliminate the Blowhard gene?

  • Willingness to study, be curious, ask why
  • Willingness to make mistakes, look foolish and learn
  • Work long hours with no extra compensation
  • Plan, prepare, deliver

We wonder if we will survive Artificial Intelligence or be ultimately absorbed into the collective.

Time will tell.


About Post Author


The Theory of Pat is a gradual process which will expand as we work out the mysteries of our past, present and future. We chose to share as we learn and practice how to navigate our own impulsive and irrational thoughts so we may help others better defend against those who work to exploit weakness.
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