Two Truths and One Lie

Two Truths and One Lie

How advertising colors our thoughts and perceptions Facts About Alzheimer's Advertisements Pharmaceutical advertisements target emotions to instill worry, anxiety, fear, dread into their audience. The intent is to convince anyone…

How Important is Change to You?

How important is change to you? In order to change you have to prepare your environment to be conducive to change. Environment is Important: Yours Theirs But mostly yours What…

What is a personality?

What is a personality? What affects emotions, reactions and behaviors which determine individual personality traits? Is a personality trait the face we present to others? Is the face the same…

We Are Not Hostages of Our Past

Introducing Me, MySelf & I. Subject to Change, Growth & Self-Preservation. This might appear repetitive but bear with us... We are capable, confident and strong. We Are Not Hostages to…

What’s the Deal with Relationships?

Each person brings a unique experience, knowledge and intelligence into a relationship. How we behave with each other can be influenced by oversimplified stereotypes based upon prior experiences. Stereotypes can…

Personality – What is a Personality?

per·son·al·i·ty (/?p?rs?'nal?de/) noun: personality plural noun: personalities: 1. the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive character. What is Personality? What combinations of emotions, reactions and behaviors…
Halloween Humor

Halloween Humor

Hocus-Pocus Jokus Halloween Jokes What could be more fun on Halloween night than to tell funny, punny jokes to torment all those terrified strangers and neighbors who give out candy…